Penny For Your Thoughts - Javey

Start from the beginning

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Jack snorted lightly and looked at Davey. "Who actually says that?" he asked, smiling a little.

Davey put on a look of feigned offence. "I do," he said defensively, poking Jack's lower stomach. "I'm offended that you would think otherwise,"

Jack chuckled and twisted away from Davey, wriggling a little. "No pokin',"

Davey poked him again.

Jack batted at his hand.

Davey caught his hand and prodded Jack's chest.

Jack frowned and poked Davey's nose.

Davey stuck out his tongue.

Jack laughed, taking Davey's other hand and pulling him up to sit on the crate next to him. He put an arm around him and pinned Davey's own arm to his side in the same movement. "Gotcha,"

Davey frowned, his brow furrowing as he wriggled a little before giving up, leaning against Jack. "This must be what Les feels like," he said.

Jack grinned and kissed the side of Davey's head. "Most likely,"

Davey shook his head, resting his temple against Jack's shoulder. "Ok, but seriously, what you thinking?"

Jack lapsed into silence for a moment before he shrugged. "I ain't really sure, bein' honest,"

"Good thoughts or bad thoughts?"

"Odd midway point," Jack vaguely waved his free hand in the air in front of him.

Davey nodded slightly and rested his chin on Jack's shoulder for a moment. "You wanna talk about it?"

"I dont's know," Jack said simply, tapping his pencil against his knee in a fast rhythm. He sounded unbothered but Davey knew him better than that.

"You sure?"

Jack rolled his shoulders in a shrug. "I'se alright," he said. "Ain't sure bout' talkin', but I'se alright,"

Davey nodded again, his brow creased in a slight concerned furrow that wasn't odd to see on him; he was always a worrier when it came to those he cared about. Jack knew this.

"Dave," he said. "I'se promise ya, I'se grand. You's knows how I is. Don't be worryin',"

Davey smiled a little and dug Jack lightly in the ribs. "And you know how I am. Ain't no way that's happening," he said, though he forced himself to let it drop, trusting Jack.

Jack chuckled, pulling Davey closer to his side and dropping his head back to look at the sky. It was brighter now, more light blues and yellows starting to bleed across the clouds. It was getting warmer too, though still with enough chill on the air to make Davey lean close to him. It was April though, and the cold would evaporate in the dawn soon enough. That sky was only half covered in clouds so Davey was a little surprised when a light rain started to fall. It was spitting in that half hearted way showers in spring tended too do, almost a mist really.

"Damn," Jack muttered, blinking as drops of water settled on the pairs faces. He was grinning though, and he pulled of his cap to let the rain dampen his hair. It was so light that it barely made a difference to it.

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