Newsies as things my friends have said

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Not a one shot but it's really funny so here you go
Triggers - Swearing, sexual references


Jack: I'm trying to draw Davey but he looks like a crack addict

Davey: I'm awful at talking to people and I don't know if it's the social anxiety or the autism

Albert: It's a shame drinking and driving is illegal cause it would be so much fun

Davey: Did you just take paracetamol with day old coke?
Jack: I've taken antidepressants with whisky. Bite me

Race: You legally cannot stop me from eating this rock

Spot: I will stab you with this
Elmer: The pen?
Spot: You heard me

Albert: This acid is perfectly shot sized

Davey and Katherine: *discussing the metric size of Japan*
Jack: ???

Race: Seriously, what repercussions would come from me just biting this rock?

Crutchie: *gagging* don't eat straight rock salt

Buttons: Dessert spoons are bad. I've had bad experiences with dessert spoons

Specs: Well my glasses just fell off my face, which is nice

Davey: I've learned that whenever I think I've done well in something, Ive actually completely fucked it, but when I think I've messed something up I ace it. A horrible mentality for life but it's what I'm going with

Race: I've swallowed glass pebbles the rock cannot hurt me

Jack: I've been drawing when I was supposed to be revising and it doesn't even look good so what does that make me

Spot: If you put that penis looking rock next to me one more time I will shove it down your throat
Race: Kinky

Albert: Be honest, lava looks delicious
Davey: *visibly distressed* no-

Race: *holding crushed sandstone* If I snorted this what would happen?

Albert: That's a hench ass unicorn

Race: How fucking dare you look me in the eyes and tell me I would be Hitlers perfect person

Elmer: Dessert spoons. Are evil

Henry: How dare you swear in my god damn fucking Christian household

Romeo: I'm telling my therapist about this
Race: That we called you eighty?
Romeo: He won't be happy

Davey: I don't care if Hitler advocated against animal cruelty, he committed mass fucking genocide Susan

Crutchie: Hannibal Lecter is gay? We have peaked as a species

Specs: Just because something can be gay, doesn't necessarily mean it should
Romeo: Bet

Finch: My eyes feel loose

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