Pyjama Pants - Spromeo

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Prompt - Pure Happiness
Au - Modern
Triggers - None
Inspired by Pyjama Pants by Cavetown

Happiness. It's a weird thing, when you think about it. Well, all emotions are really. That's why Romeo preferred not too. He preferred pushing them to the back of his mind and ignoring them. Which worked up until a point. Unfortunately, Romeo was discovering that it was actually pretty difficult to forget about emotions, the bad ones in particular, when you feel like you're being crushed under the weight of them.

He didn't even know why he was sad. He just was. Maybe it was school or his parents being crappy or just the world in general but he felt bad. Curl up into a ball and cry for a while bad. His room was dark, lit only by the soft glow of his half-open laptop. The curtains were closed and it was a bit of a tip. He really didn't feel like tiding right now, so clothes and other random objects were strewn everywhere.

Romeo sighed and curled up on his bed, resting his head on his arms and letting tears prick his eyes. He sighed and swallowed, closing his eyes. His phone buzzed but he ignored it, thinking about the message he had sent Specs earlier. He was supposed to come around today and stay over, but Romeo didn't want him too. He hated showing emotions, hated feeling weak and useless.
If he was being honest he was scared. He was scared of what Specs would think, of him seeing Romeo like this. So he turned off his phone and let the tears spill, wetting his face and stinging his eyes. He must have fallen asleep at some point because he was jolted by a knock on his door. He looked up, wiping his face and rolling onto his side.

"What?" He said, his voice thick. He assumed it was his mother so he didn't move much.

"Can I come in?" The voice was soft and familiar and not at wall what he was expecting.

"Specs?" Romeo said, sitting up a little as the door opened. He looked away as his boyfriend came into the room. He didn't turn on the light and moved to sit on the bed next to Romeo.

"Hey baby," Specs said gently.

Romeo didn't look at him, conscious of his red rimmed eyes. "I though I told you not to come,"

Specs shifted, moving closer to him. "And I didn't listen," he said. "What's up?"

Romeo shook his head, drawing his knees to his chest and embracing them. "I don't know," he said quietly, his voice dripping with misery. He rested his forehead on his knees, letting out a small sigh.

Specs scooted forward again so he was right in front of Romeo, who still didn't look up. He gently took one of Romeo's hands, squeezing it lightly. Romeo held his hand tightly, glancing up. Specs gently cupped the side of Romeo's face, running a thumb across his cheek. His expression was a mix of worry and love. "It's ok," he said quietly, his voice barely audible. "I'm here,"

Romeo didn't say anything, unfolding his arms and moving to hug Specs, burying his face in his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He sighed a little, immediately feeling better. He still hated seeming vulnerable but Specs didn't seem to care. He leaned as close to him as he could. Specs wrapped his arms around Romeo, pulling him onto his lap.

"I brought movies," Specs told him, resting his chin on Romeos head. Romeo smiled a little against his chest.

"What movies?" He mumbled.

"Toy Story, The Lion King and Fox and the Hound,"

"All the Toy Stories?"

Specs nodded, smiling a little. He kissed the side of Romeos head as Romeo sat back a little, wiping at his eyes again. "Let's watch Toy Story," he said quietly.

Romeo still felt bad, but less so. Specs put the movies on Romeos laptop and the two of them changed into their pyjamas. Romeo curled up next to him, taking Specs' hand and holding it tightly. The screen flickered, casting a soft glow across their faces and Romeo started to relax. After a while he moved to rest his head on Specs' lap, stroking the soft material of his pyjamas.

Later on, Romeo sat up. He leaned against Specs' chest again, finding his heartbeat. Specs smiled, kissing Romeos knuckles lightly. Romeo glanced at the time illuminated on the screen. Midnight. Somehow, Romeo wasn't tired. He felt like he should be, like there was a heaviness missing from his limbs. He could feel his own heartbeat, a steady pace that was faster than usual. It wasn't beating out of anxiety, or fear, or any of the other negative emotions that were common for Romeo. No, he knew it was the happiness, the gratefulness that was causing his heart to race. He looked at Specs.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

Specs immediately put an arm around Romeo again, holding him close. "No problem," he said with a little smile. "I'm always here for you,"

Romeo nodded, more tears, of gratitude this time, pricked his eyes and he swallowed the lump that rose in his throat. He covered it by yawning.

"We'd best sleep," Specs said. "It's Monday tomorrow,"

"Yes ma," Romeo mumbled. He sat up a little and pulled it Specs' glasses, perching them on his own nose. "Look at me I'm Specs and I'm so responsible and smart,"

Specs laughed. "I don't talk like that," he said, trying taking the glasses back, blinking a little. "But I can't see so if you don't mind,"

Romeo laughed. "You really are blind," he said, squinting through the lenses, moving his head to avoid Specs' hand.

"You're telling me?" Specs said, retrieving his glasses and putting them back on. He flopped onto his back, pulling Romoe down next to him and kissing his cheek. "Sleep," he said.

Romeo laughed a little, curling up next to him. He took his hand, resting them on Specs' pyjamas. He shifted his head, resting it against Specs' neck. He didn't say anything for a moment. "You've still got you're glasses on," with a little laugh.

Specs laughed, pulling them off. "Shuddup," he chuckled, keeping his eyes closed.

"Or what?"

"I'll tickle you,"

[c] Romeo gasped, putting a hand on his chest. "You wouldn't,"

"I would. And I will if you don't sleep,"

Romeo frowned, kissing Specs' cheek, grumbling a little. He closed his eyes, a few dots of light still dancing in front of his eyelids from the still-glowing laptop on the floor. He relaxed, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He could feel his heartbeat still, calmer now, a regular rhythm that matched his breathing. Romeo barely remember he was upset, that feelings replaced by love and happiness. Specs' was good at that, distracting people, making them feel better. He was grateful for it.

'God I love you,' he thought, listening to their hearts beating in sync.

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