How Hard Can it Be? - Spot/Davey

805 12 21

Prompt - Getting to know each other better, where one teaches the other baseball
Au - Modern
Triggers - None

Written for a Holiday Exchange on Amino

Note: I'm northern Irish and we don't have baseball, so excuse my likely inaccurate rules and terminology


The ball connected with the bat with an impossibly loud noise and Davey couldn't help but flinch slightly as he watched the dozen people on the pitch scatter into some form of organised chaos. He drew his legs to his knees, a little to close to the edge of the pitch for comfort. There was an uproar of cheering as the batter made it back to his starting point, as well as annoyed exclamations from the opposing team. Davey stopped paying attention, his focus for sport limited along with his understanding of it.

He turned the page of his book, shifting a little on the grass, his back against a fence post, still half listening to footfalls and laughter and protests. Davey sat forward a little and checked the time, wanting to make sure he wouldn't be late for his next class before remembering he had a free period next. He glanced up, trying to keep track of the scattered players as he leaned back again.


Davey looked up, half scrambling to his feet as he looked for who had called his name. It took him a second to find Spot among the people on the pitch, who all seemed to be taking a break. Spot was still holding a bat, jogging over to Davey with his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Davey marked his page, righting himself fully and tucking the book under his arm as Spot skidded to a stop by him. "Hey," he said, smiling a little. He was overly conscious of people looking at them and slipped a hand into his pocket.

"We're winning," Spot said, swinging the bat a little with a grin. His posture was relaxed but he still had that arrogant confidence about him that he never seemed to be able to let go off.

Davey smiled a little. "Of course you are," he said. "You're always winning,"

Spot nodded, pointing the bat at Davey and pushing a few strands of damp hair from his face. "That-," he said. "Is very true,"

Davey laughed, pushing the bat away from his body slightly. He leaned back against the fence again, looking at Spot, who poked him in the chest gently with his bat. "Oi," he said with mock offence.

"What?" Spot asked, swinging the bat again and tossing it between his hands with an almost practiced grace.

"Show off," Davey muttered, watching him.

Spot grinned again, slinging his arm around Davey's shoulder. "You know it,"

Davey resisted the urge to make a short joke for fear of getting hit, shaking his head with a smile still playing at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Spot, still nervous and still not sure what was happening was entirely real; Spot was one of, if not the, most popular guy at their school and yet here he was with Davey, a guy barely anyone knew the name off. Davey didn't mind that, but it still surprised him all the same. 

Davey had fancied Spot for a while, like everyone in that damn place, but from a distance, and with a dull weight of anxiety about it resting in his chest at all times. Davey wasn't open about the fact that he was gay, but he didn't try to hide it either. People's reaction and opinions still scared him so naturally when Spot had asked him out one day he'd immediately assumed it was some cruel prank or dare.

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