Chapter 7: Cool Air & a Bottle of Vodka

Depuis le début

When you glanced around the room, your eyes fell to Jimin who was sitting on the couch, arm already around the server from earlier. You rolled your eyes, but it was fine - you were expecting this and considering that Jimin was one of the main reasons of you being so stressed recently, you knew that ignoring him was the best thing you could do right now to truly enjoy your night.

You grabbed a can of beer and popped it open and grabbed the bottle of vodka. You opened it and poured the vodka into your open beer - you've found that this is one of the fastest ways to get a buzz started. You took a huge sip when someone suggested a beer pong tournament, and it was on.

After a couple of rounds of beer pong, and Kings cup, you were certifiably hammered and you felt great. The room wasn't spinning and you didn't feel nauseous and everything was about 10 times more fun than it normally was, so you were in a great place.

You had just won beer pong (again) and decided to take a break to eat some burgers. Honestly, you'd been thinking about them for a solid 40 minutes and have tried to find the best time to get one. You walked to the kitchen, grabbed a burger and a beer, and sat on the counter. The kitchen was adjacent to a hallway that led directly to the master room, and the bathroom.

You were swaying back and forth to the beat of the music that was playing when you heard what seemed to be people arguing from the hallway. You were hella confused because this party is so fun so why were people not having fun? Unacceptable, truly.

Because you were drunk (and frankly, nosy as heck), you pushed yourself off the counter and walked closer to the hallway just to hear a bit of the conversation.

"Tell me honestly Jimin, what's going on between you two?" You almost groaned because why the heck is it always Jimin. Couldn't you be nosy for once and not be eavesdropping on a conversation that revolved around Jimin?

"You're overreacting. There is nothing going on between us." Jimin sounded annoyed (good) but like, who were they talking about?

"If there's nothing going on, then why do you keep staring at her?" "Interesting, it sounds like the girl they're talking about is here." You heard Jimin scoff.

"Oh come on, I am not staring at her." Now, it was her turn to scoff and you were so intrigued.

"Please. You haven't been able to keep your eyes off of her since she showed up." After hearing that, you had to turn around and walk away for two reasons.

One, because you were wanting another McDouble, and two, you were already too curious about what was going on but you didn't want to give it away that you had been eavesdropping. That would be bad, especially because you wouldn't be able to even formulate a response if questioned.


The downside of drinking in an apartment is it gets really warm - fast. You started to feel hot and sweaty soon after and no one was on the patio so you decided to sit down and get some fresh air and cool off a bit. You decided to grab the bottle of vodka outside with you to ensure the buzz stayed a bit longer.

You took a deep breath as soon as you got outside and enjoyed the cool air. You pulled one of the patio chairs close to the railing and sat down. The lights from the city were twinkling and even though you heard car horns blaring and the occasional siren from police cars or ambulances, you were completely at ease. You took a swig of vodka and just appreciated where you were at that moment.

Your moment of peace and quiet was rudely disturbed though by the patio door opening and closing. You turned your head to see who dared disturbed you and were surprised to see Jimin pulling up a patio chair beside you. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a vintage Pink Floyd concert shirt with a leather jacket over top.

A Little Bit Yours • Park JiminOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant