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I just wanted to say OMG I just fucking hit 1k views, and I am so grateful and so thankful that you guys actually like Living my Life and The Life I Live. I personally was going to delete Living my Life because I didn't like, I didn't like the way I wrote it but I'm happy I didn't because you guys are enjoying it. So enjoy the chapter, THANKS!! 


Third person

Jacob had a plan, he had a solid one. He knew this had to work, if it didn't then they were fucked, they wouldn't be able to get the girl that some how always seems to get away without even trying. Everyone knows Amelia is stubborn and selfless but sometimes she was just too stubborn and selfless to let other people get hurt because of her and everyone hated that. 

Jacob bounced his leg up and down waiting for for the main source of the plan to arrive. Just as he thought he wasn't coming the doors swung open, and there he stood. William.

"Hey man." Is all he said, he sat on the small couch in front of Jacobs desk. 

"Didn't think you'd show."

"I wasn't, I mean I have told you countless times I'm out of this." His finger did a circular motion in the air "I risked everything and lost everyone, so if you're here to try and change my mind into re-joining, I'm shutting it down right here and now because this is all my past, weight on my shoulders. I came here to burn it, to free it so I can breathe."

"Well, it would be lovely if you joined back. Everyone misses you..."


"-But we need you." William stands up and Jacob does soon after "Just sit down and listen to me William, you don't think I know how much you hated being here? How much you hated killing people? I know ok, so I wouldn't be calling you here if it wasn't fucking urgent. You are our last chance... you're her last option. The only one who can save her." 

William sits down and Jacob does too, William promised himself he would never go back to the mafia or help them. You see, William was the best, he knew how to hack and how to fight. He basically taught everyone the moves they know, William is #1 until he stepped down but in Jacobs heart he knows William still has it all and he needs him.


"Amelia, she was taken... again-"

"Again! You're telling me, my sister was taken not once but twice?" (A/N: Not biological sister, he's just saying sister because he see's her as his sister.)

"You don't understand-"

"No, you're right. I don't understand how I left myself leaver her with you, she was supposed to be safe here, she was supposed to be supervised everywhere she went-"

"We trained her she knew ho-"

"TRAINED!! You turned her into what you felt would be better for the fucking mafia, you didn't think once if she was ok with it. I bet you forced her to join, you didn't even ask her. You made her learn how to fight, when you have people to protect her." William was absolutely fuming, he couldn't believe that they actually trained his sister, that they actually put her through the process. 

"Listen William, it had to be done ok."

"No it didn't, you felt like it needed to be done. There's a difference." He clenched his jaw calming himself down, he could yell at him later and deal with everyone else but he needed to get Amelia before something terrible happens "What do you need."

Jacob's face lit up and he smiled "Thank you so much William this means everything to me that you're doing this, honestly." William scoffed and shook his head in disbelief

"I'm not doing this for you I'm doing this for her and only her for that matter, so swipe that smile on your face and let's get to work, the faster we start the faster we get her." 


What do you guys think about William's come back? I know I haven't put him in the story for a while.

What do you think about Amelia being pregnant

Who should have the next pov? Daniel, Levi, William or Amelia. 

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