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It's been two weeks since I've woken up, in those two weeks I got to see who the real Daniel is. He has forced me to give him a blowjob, I'm not aloud to talk or deny. I will get punished, he's not much different from my father. I have asked him why he is like this and what happened to the man I met, he said it was an act so I wouldn't be able to leave. 

I'm a house girlfriend, I cook, clean and everything. Even though he has person chef and maids, sometimes he'll purposely mess up where I've recently cleaned. I have caught him twice having intercourse with other women because I'm not 'worth the fuck'. 

He violates me a lot, like when I shower, sleep or get dress he'll jackoff to me and then make me clean up his cum from the floor. To sum up my two weeks, it has been pure hell. 

Something that I've realized is that when I fall asleep I have snip bits of my memory so I try and get the most sleep I can, Levi, I wonder if he's looking for me. From what I see in my dreams/ memories he loved me and would do anything for me. He's not good at expressing his feelings, he's quite a gentleman. I'm in love with him. No I haven't met him in this life but I do love him, I can feel it in my heart every time I see him or hear his voice. 

Once I finished mopping the kitchen I walk up to my room that I share with Daniel and change into pajama's excited to see Levi there. Soon the doors burst open "Hey baby..." I look over my shoulder


"I know you want me." I feel his gross hands all over my body "Come on... let's kick it."

"I- you said I wasn-"

"You still aren't but I couldn't find a girl so you'll be my replacement." His wet lips kiss down my neck

"N-" Then he grabbed my neck

"What was that?" I stayed silent "That's what I thought." He pushes me on the bed as I sit there in my bra and underwear, he takes out a condom. God I can't believe this is happening, I know I'm not a virgin but I know this will hurt.

He pulls his member out and starts to stoke it, he then enters me and I scream in pain. "Yeah baby!!!" He starts to thrust in and out of me, all I feel is pain and pleasure. 

"P-pleasee" I sob

"Oh so you're freaky!" He starts pounding himself in me, I scream in agony and cry my eyes out. I start to feel numb and my vision goes blurry all I can hear his him moaning and groaning. I was disgusted, I have to get out of here. Then suddenly everything when black. 

Third person pov

It's been two weeks since everyone found out the news about Amelia, they have been planning non-stop. 

"She shouldn't remember any of us so this should work." Jacob says talking about their plan, they have figured out Connor was the mole. He isn't aloud in the meetings and the only reason he isn't dead is because their going to need him. 

They had a plan and were ready for absolutely anything, they prepare for tomorrow. Especially Levi, he has left the bimbo ever since he heard she was alive. He was going to do everything in his power to make her remember him, even if it doesn't work he'll make sure she falls in love him again

Amelia pov

I wake up and try to get up, I immediately fall to my knees. I was so sore, the last thing I remember was Daniel.... I start to cry at the memory. I crawl to the bathroom and scrub my skin skin everywhere he touched me, I continued to scrub till I couldn't anymore. I quickly cover the bruises and get dressed not wanting him to see me and run downstairs, today was groceries day. 

I walk outside and walk around the city, I then see the bakery I went to when I first met Daniel. I walk over to it and see Max, I smile at him as the memories in my dream told me he was my bestfriend. He did do a sinful thing but he got help and I've forgiven him. "Hello Max!"

"You re-remember my name?"

"Oh yes, I know very little people so I guess your name stayed." He smiles "Um, can I have the breakfast burger please and a French vanilla coffee?"

"Of course, to- go or to- stay?"

"Uh... to stay. I'm not in a hurry."

"Great, go take a seat and I'll be back with your food shortly." I smile and walk to a booth, he brought me my coffee. I start to blow on it since it's hot, then the bell of the café rings. I look over to the door and almost drop my coffee on me. My mouth hung open at the sight before me, I wipe my eyes and look again. 

It's fucking Levi, Karl and Caleb, oh my days I must be dreaming. Max comes up with my burger and follows my gaze "Oh yeah, the bad boys. Their is a gang... Mafia more exact, the most feared one. They come to my shop a lot since we don't reject their service." 

"May I ask you to pinch me please."

"Um sure." He pinches me and I flinch "Why?"

"Just an experiment, thank you for the burger." He gives me an awkward smile and walks away, I look back over to Levi and the boys to only see the staring straight at me with smirks, I grip my coffee mug for dear life as they approach me. 

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