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Levi pov

Amelia has been acting strange and whenever I ask her what's wrong Mary comes out of no where and tells me to shut my mouth. I wonder if it has to do something with me, did she not like me anymore, is she re-thinking everything?

I walked in my room yesterday and she was changing, she quickly locked herself into the bathroom as if I haven't seen her before. Something is off and I need to know, I've also seen her throwing up at random times of the day, due to her throwing up so much she's lost a lot of weight and she looks like a sick person. 

Every time I ask why she's throwing up she just says food poisoning but she throws up at least 3 times a day. 

I walk over to my room and I pay Amelia wiping her mouth, meaning she just threw up. She's walking with Mary and they seem to be going somewhere. "Hey Levi, what's up?" I turn to see a shirtless Caleb

"What's up with Amelia and Mary?"

"Don't know, even Jacob doesn't know."

"I'm worried about her."

"We all are, she's been really secretive." 

"Did anyone go with them?

"What do you- oh shit." 

Amelia's pov

As me and Mary go to the drug store, we got 4 different pregnancy test. The most accurate ones, we purchase them and go to the bathroom. "Ok it says ready in 3 minutes, I'll put a timer for 4 just in chase." Mary says, I nod shaking "Listen, I know its you're body your choice. He will understand, if you do turn out pregnant it's your choice to keep it or not."

"B-B... But what is Levi doesn't want to be the father... or thinks I'm a slut." 

"No baby no! He would never, Levi is the most understandable person alive, he will understand. I mean abortion is a tough subject, I'm pro-choice for life! I know he is, fuck everyone is that house is. I know you are but if your choice is you don't want Daniel's child he'll understand that too."

"I just... feel guilty if he does stay and raises someone else's child.... if I do keep it, what will happen when the kid grows up? Won't they realize they don't look alike?" 

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." The timer goes off "Ready?" I nod closing my eyes shut "Congrats, you're a mother. Their all positive." 

I open my eyes to look for myself, shit she's right "I've always wanted to be a mother... but not in this way. I really don't know what to do Mary, I can't decide!"

"You have a month I believe to decide, I'll be with you every second of it." We throw out the sticks and thank the cashier lady, we start to head for the car.

"So... what was it?" Says a familiar voice, I freeze and turn around. Daniel. 

"I-I what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see my girlfriend of course, I let you go on a vacation that's all. Did you really think I was going to let you go that easily?" He lets out a maniac laugh "So, is it true your carrying my baby?" He walks close with each word


"No? Then what's this?" He holds up the 4 test "From what I read on the box positive means pregnant." 

"Leave us alone Daniel! She doesn't want you to be the father! You're a terrible person!" Mary shouts

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, I'd choose your words carefully." He raises a gun to my stomach, I panic and clench my clothes for dear life "Because from what I see I have the upper hand in this citation, now baby. Come on, let's go home. Vacation is over, we have to start planning yes?" 

If I go with him everyone would be safe, would he still abuse me with the baby? Would he abuse the baby? If I don't go with him, he'll shoot my stomach and most likely kill Mary. I have to go with him, I have to save everyone from him, I have to sacrifice myself. "Yes." I whisper

"No! Amelia you ca-"

"If I go, you have to promise to leave them alone. Don't look at them, touch them, nothing! I will go back with you under that condition."

"Fine love, I'd do anything for you." He lowers the gun and opens his arms for me, I walk into his arms as he hugs me to his chest. I hear a gunshot, I turn to see he shot her in the leg.

"No you promised!" 

"I'm fine Amelia don't worry, please co-"

"Oh shut up. Let's go." He grabs my hair and pulls me along, I start to sob like crazy, I really hope she's ok, I hope I made the right decision. 

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