chapter 10

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Kian POV

We got all the boxes and everything at the house. Once we ran back to the car Kylee was gone. What the fuck!? I looked inside back into he apartment and she was there. I looked everywhere else and nowhere.

"Kian, what the fuck are you doing!?" Jc asked.

"Kylee, is gone! She isn't anywhere!" I said, tearing up. "Please tell me this is a prank. Tell me that one of you convinced her to do so prank!?" I felt tears going down my face.

"Kian done of us doing a prank." Corey said. I put my hands behind my head and started crying more.

"Dude... Andrea..." Jc said. That name made me angry. I knew that my eyes when black. As soon as I heard a scream I ran stair to the noise. I heard someone crying. I looked over and see Andrea sucking on her neck. Once she saw me she was gone.

Kylee POV

I saw that wasn't in a car anymore and that a girl was right in front of me. And it was Andrea.

"What the fuck do you want!?" I asked, not caring what she wanted.

"Kian and you need to shut the fuck up!" She said, covering my mouth. "Now be happy your scarms is your last thing coming out of your mouth. She tlit my head and bit in to my neck. I tired pushing her and it didn't work. She grabbed my by the neck and threw me against the other side where there another building. My whole body aches in pain. I couldn't even move. Next thing I know she back sucking, again, and everything went black.

Kian pov

I ran over to Andrea and threw her off of Kylee. I saw blood coming out of her mouth. I turned around and seeing Andrea running.

" Well fucking get her!" I yelled, at all the boys and as the all ran after her. I looked back over at kylee and checked her neck. And for sure she has been bitin. I picked her up and ran her back to the house. Only one that can help me with this is devyn.

I opened the door and cried for Devyn to get down stairs and she was there in a second. She looked at me and once she saw Kylee her eyes widen.

"OMG what happened?!" She asked, taking Kylee, doing some of her healing.

"Andrea... " Is ask I could say. Devyn looked at her neck then at me. She gave me a look that I didn't like. "Why are you looking at me like that? "

"Andrea put poison in her... If you don't want her to die your gonna have to do." She told.

"W-why can't you do it? I can't I don't k-know if I can stop myself.. " I said, freaking out. I can't do this... I might actually kill her...

"Kian, I know you love her. If you truly love her you well stop. Hurry up and do it before she actually dies! " Devyn yelled, at me at the end which spooked me, because she never yells. I nodded my head and took a deep breath. I stucked on her until I didn't taste anything weird anymore but then I was actually tasting normal blood... This blood was sweet. "Kian! You can stop now! " Devyn yelled. I snapped out of it and pulled off of Kylee.

"Sorry... " I said, about to cry, again, because I had to be told to stop... If devyn didn't tell me to stop I might of have killed her... "How many time did you have to tell me to stop?.. " She sighed while she healing Kylee more.

"I had to say at least 8 times... But you stopped and that was good. She'll be okay."

"Why didn't you just push me off of her? " I asked, looking at the wall...

"Because I wanted to see if you would or not. I wanted to make sure you truly loved her. "

"Devyn... Her blood different... " I said, looking at her. She gave me a weird look.

"What do you mean? "

"Her blood was very sweet... It was different... That's maybe why I didn't stop because it was different... " Devyn smiled.

"Kian... I was like that with Corey... I couldn't read he's mind and when I tired he's blood he's was sweet... Maybe that legend is true... " She said smiling, turning Kylee over laying her on her tummy. "Corey said the same too me."

I smiled... If this legend is true? I wouldn't mind. I like to know that kylee and I are met to be.

"W-where am i-i? " Kylee asked, sitting up. I grabbed her and pulled into me. I hugged her thightly.

"Your home... I'm so sorry... " I said. She gave me a weird look.

"Who even are you? " Kylee asked.

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