chapter 8

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We had to take a few cars. Kian, Jc, Franny, and I got into Kian car. Sam, Colby, Devyn, and Kat got into Colby's car. Corey, Crawford, Jake and Tara got into Jake's car. We all got to a pizza place that had games and everything. almost like cheeky cheeses but more fun. We all got out of the cars and walked inside. Kian been having a hard time keeping he's eyes off of me. I giggle at him everything I see him looking at me. he'll just get really red in the face and its cute.

How come Kat and I only ones that can actually eat we got some pizza and ate.

"Kian been staring at you a lot. it's funny," Kat said, taking a bit of her food.

"I know. I giggle at him everytime." I said, taking a bite as well.

"So what do you think of everyone so far?"

"Everyone seems really chill. Everyone really funny and sweet. I just feel bad that they have to help with the andrea thing. I also don't like the fact that... we have to kill her." I said the last part really low so no one would hear.

"Kylee, they know how much Kian likes you, Kian didn't show off Andrea tell like a year later. He showed you off the next day. Kian use to be really rude all the time when Andrea left until he met you. Kylee I know you mean the world to him. Not gonna lie he might love." I got shocked at that strong word.

"I don't know about that. He doesn't know me that much to love me... He may love me as a person but I don't know about actual love..."

"Okay whatever you say," kat said, taking her last bit. I did the same. We threw away are plates and started walking back.

"Do you always eat by yourself?" I asked.

"Kinda. Sam knows I cant do a lot of the things they can do so he normally always with me. Sometimes he makes himself eat actual food so I don't feel that left out. The girls do the same, sometimes. But them eating actual food isn't a big deal. Its like if there eating candy or something like that." Kat explained. I nodded my head. we walked up to everyone seeing them playing games having a time. Kian saw me and had a big smile on he's face. he walked over at me and gave me a dig warm hug.

"Was the food good?" Kian asked, as I pulled away from the hug. I nodded. "good. Let's play some games!" he grabbed my hand and dragged me to a game.

We played many games together. I also got to know everyone more. Corey is a really funny guy, hes more like a 'oh well' guy. I like that kind of vibe. Crowford just really chill. Jake is more like a kid and really funny. Tara almost the same but not much as a kid. Sam is a really smart guy, someone whose maybe about planning and all that. Colby Hes like a emo god and funny. Jc hes funny and a really good type of fiend, I understand why Kian good friends with him. Franny is a really happy person which I like having those kind of people around. Devyn a really shy sweet person and I love that type of people.

once I got done playing a game with Kian I was super tired. I looked at what time it was and its 4am. Kat looked tried as fuck too.

"I think there ready to go home." Sam said, putting hes hand on Kat lower back.

"Yeah I think so too." Kian said, looking at me. I nodded. I was supper tired. I not a night owl. I normally wake up early and go to bed at like 9. Kian picked me up like if I was a three year old and walked to the car. he got into the back set with me and drove back... home. yeah home. it took about 10 mins to get back home. Kian picked me up, again and walked inside the house to hes room. he laid me on the bed softly. "I'll get some clothes for you. Be right back." kian said, kissing me on the head and walking out of the room. within a min Kian was back with some shorts and a tank top, "here you go. Tara said you can wear these." Kian gave me a soft smile giving me the outfit. I gave him a sweet smile and took them. I got out of the bed and just got dress in front of him. I mean he's my boyfriend now. it should be okay. I turned around and looked at Kian. he was biting he lips looking at me. I giggled and got into the bed once I put my shirt on.

"goodnight," I said, pecking him on the lips.

"goodnight, babygirl."

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