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Warning: Major Character Deaths, suicide

Anakin couldn't keep the tears from flowing out of his eyes as he held Ahsoka's limp form in his arms. Sidious had....killed her. And he had turned to the Dark Side and done nothing. Obi-Wan was dead too. He couldn't save him either.

Once Ahsoka died though, Anakin had snapped out of his hatred for Obi-Wan and killed Sidious. He almost wanted to kill himself too, but he had no weapon. Sidious stole it when he died and broke it into millions of small pieces.

Then, a large boom rang out and millions of voices cried out in the Force coming from the Senate Building. Anakin looked outside the window. The Senate Building was gone. There was not a single wall left. And so was Padme. Sidious had died, yet he still won.

Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Padme, they were all gone. The 212th and the 501st including Cody and Rex had died a few months ago. It had been Anakin's decision to send them there. Ahsoka had told him that it wasn't his fault, but it was. And now, he had paid for it. Everyone he knew, everyone he loved, was dead. And he had just sat there and cried. He did nothing to stop it.

A small, silver object caught his eye. Something that he thought he lost a while ago. Anakin didn't expect it to work. It was Ahsoka's lightsaber from when she was his Padawan. It was her shoto. He picked it up, wondering how these ever fit in her hand. They felt so small in his.

Anakin didn't care if what he was doing was stupid. He wanted this. He deserved this. His mechanical hand brushed over the ignition switch. He aligned the lightsaber hilt with the center of his chest, and turned on the lightsaber, letting the green blade impale him.

Anakin Skywalker fell over, lifeless, surrounded by the dead bodies of his family, remembering his wife and all the good times he had with them.

There it is. Sorry if it sucks. I promise I'm not thinking anything close to what Anakin does in this. I just really hate my family and I've had a hard day so far.

Review your thoughts or questions or just anything.

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