chapter sixteen

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tw: mentions of suicide/suicide notes, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of self harm and mentions of past abuse. 

[a/n: i know that this has taken forever to come out... honestly though i think it was worth it :)! also i think this book is soon to be finished as i have a week left of my break from school and my sleeping pattern is non existent... and what do i do when that happens? daily updates ;) though can not promise them as i'm addicted to greys anatomy atm... BUT ENJOY!]

after they had all decided where they were going to search for the keys, the three ended up splitting up on the beach in the area they had been around on the beach.

rain beginning to fall slightly heavier as minutes went on looking for the car keys that had been lost.

george for one took his time because he loved the rain, it gave him a refresh mentally and physically but of course he didn't know how a floridian and texan would exactly react to being out in cold weather a storm.

needless to say it was not the same rain as their rain back at home, and they both knew that from the first few drops of rain which had hit the back of their heads and trickled down their necks.

sapnap had decided he would search further down the beach closest to the water after all he was the person who lost them, george and dream on the other hand were both spread out to the left and the right of the area that sapnap had been sat down at when he was 'too cold' to be in the water.

as george was searching through the sand, being on his hands and knees in a crawling baby position he paused for a short moment for a break, then looking over to the direction that clay was in also searching for the keys.

now george had admitted his feelings for clay to himself and clay too, maybe he felt as if he could actually physically admire the man he loved...

but would it look weird if clay suddenly turned around and saw him staring?

most likely

did george actually care at this point however?

no, he actually didn't care about anything.

that's right, for the first time in so long... he had no cares in the world, his life was going as good as it could have been.

clay rummaged through the area of golden sand he was running through his fingers, he stopped for a moment pretty much having the feeling of someone watching him.

he turned and relief hit when he spotted george looking over, truth was maybe clay was anxious about cameron interfering again even if it was highly unlikely.

as clay looked at him he thought george was spaced out and for a short moment, clay was worried that george was in his own uncontrollable head, but as george gently smiled at him he knew that everything was okay and there was nothing to worry about.

clay smiled back as he could barely just see george's face flush to a slight pink.

as sapnap moved from the area he had already searched he saw the two making, as one would describe 'goo goo eyes' at one and other which was then interrupted by sapnap screaming at the two of them.

"oi! can you two stop giving goo goo fucking eyes or whatever and like maybe start doing the job! i'm already getting soaked and the rain isn't even heavy yet!" he said as clay let out a little wheeze and george let out a quiet chuckle.

george and dream both began searching through the sand once again, rain slowly becoming heavier, wind blowing against their faces, the sound of waves crashing into the sand, the tide evidently coming in slightly but not as much like how movies would show.

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