chapter three

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tw: self harm mentions, panic attacks, physical and verbal abuse, self destruction thoughts and also small intrusive thoughts. (read at your own comfort... i promise theres not many more dark chapters in this book ahead, sorry if i've made anyone cry or get in their feels 0-0).

george woke from his nap not exactly how he had expected, he had possibly expected a phone call from sapnap or clay, one or the other, to wake him up to play minecraft even if george would refuse. 

instead he was awoken by a forceful banging at his front door, this not helping with his still throbbing head due to the lack of energy and food in his system, really he should have ate something but he really felt sick even thinking of food right now. 

george groaned and looked at the time seeing it was 7.30pm in january, who would be out in the cruel winter at this time, only a psychopath. 

he stood unwillingly from his bed as the banging became louder, he rolled his sleeves up not caring if someone saw because, who were they to judge if they were just a delivery man or something. 

as george reached the black modern stairs of his home he shouted.  

"okay jesus christ your going to break my door down for fuck sake!" he said reaching the door and rapidly opening it. 

much to his surprise and confusion cameron was stood on his doorstep, with cat in the cat carrier, but why was he here now, he said he was dropping her off in the morning.

"cameron, you said you was dropping her off tomorrow, why the fuck are you here now?" george said bluntly as cameron rolled his eyes and walked in without being told he could and place cat down on the stairs then speaking. 

"yeah well i didn't want a moping grey cat as a memory of you living with me while noah was moving in." he said bluntly back, the way they was as if two kids had fallen out over a toy. 

not as two grown men who had just gone through a break up. 

"leave her out of it, she's a fucking cat cameron, and don't make it out as if i was the one who hurt you. you cheated even if i drove you to it. you was the one who couldn't be faithful to a man for your life." george said crossing his arms and letting cat out of the carrier shortly after. 

"god enough with the self pity, i cheated because you was a miserable bitch george, and your probably already madly in love with clay already because come on... it's clear you two have something for each other you just don't wanna admit it!" cameron spat as george rolled his eyes. 

typical cameron, bringing clay into things. 

how jealous cameron was of clay was weird, extremely fucking weird even more so now to george. 

"cameron, i'm not having a fight with you, but remember its literally been like what, 36 hours since we broke up, don't think i can just date another guy like that. just thanks for dropping cat off you can go now," george said scratching his head, trying to shake the uncomfortable feeling he had around cameron. 

was george scared of cameron? 

he didn't know, but after all, cameron had just called him names within the first few sentences, and now there was nothing tying them together, would cameron hit george even harder this time? 

george hadn't noticed that cameron had been staring at his arms for a few minutes, until cameron said something and pulled george's arms violently towards him. 

george hissed, the cuts only have being fully healed and scabbed over a few hours ago, george knew that cameron knew this was going to hurt him, or else why would he have done it because it sure as hell wasn't out of concern.  

mending your heart [dreamnotfound]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora