Oh, Alice.

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Hello Alice,
This is not wonderland. You are not some heroine in a fairytale preparing to swoop in and save the day. Oh, no, no, no, Alice. In this story of ours—you, my dear, are the mad hatter. Your time is running out. You must stop the clock. And where, oh, where did your bunny boy go? Once the sun has set and movements start to slow. Oh, no! Alice, this is not your wonderland dream. A place so far from what it seems. And when the earth begins to rumble, do not search for a jabberwock to slay. For once you look in the mirror, you'll see the jabberwock of today. So if you wish to slay something, slay yourself. You are your own worst enemy. There a no more books of the shelf. No more fairytales to take advice from. No more pages to turn. Your story has ended and this you must learn. You are your own worst enemy. Take a look in the mirror. You are not Alice. And this, my dear, is not wonderland.

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