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"Yea I understand, I will never break your heart ever again," Erik said.
-hey y'all! Ima skips to when she's in labor, hope y'all don't mind...
I was due the next day and my stomach had grown dramatically, my stomach and my legs hurt so bad and it grew to the point where Lyle had to help me go to the car.
"Erik!!" I shouted...
Erik came rushing in, "Yes babe?"
"Can't you believe I'm due tomorrow?" I said happily.
"I'm so excited! And remember if the baby is Lyle's I would still love you.." he said kissing my stomach.
"Aww, thanks Erik for all the support.." I said grinning.
He laughed, "I'm going to stay with you.." he laid down beside me and started kissing my neck. Which caused me to moan a little,
"Oh shit... Erik, can you wait until the baby is born?" I said.
He laughed, "wait until you give birth.. I'll make sure you have the best time in your life.."
"Yea yea yea, keep dreaming.." I said slowly drifting asleep.
-next morning-
My stomach felt horrible and today was the day I was due, I had so many contractions.
5 minutes pass and my water had broke but Erik was not there Lyle was the only one.,
"LYLE!! MY WATER BROKE.." I shouted.
He quickly slammed the door open and carried me to the car placing me down on the passenger seat.
"Y/n just hang on there I'm driving to the nearby hospital it's only 4 minutes away!" Lyle said spearing off to the hospital.
-near the end of labor-
"Push!!" The nurse shouted, luckily this was the last push and my baby will be out.
I pushed as hard as I can and all I remember was crying and that was when I passed out.
When I woke up I saw Erik holding a baby in his arms and Lyle sitting beside him also looking at the baby.
Erik noticed I was awake and walked over to me with the baby in his arms,
"Babe you did a great job," Erik said kissing my forehead then handing me the baby.
Once I took a look at the baby it had ocean blue eyes like mine and Eriks.
"It's beautiful.." I said as I started to tear up.
"Just like you.." Erik said.
I laughed, I guess Lyle was sleeping since I heard 2 loud snores. I turned my head and saw Lyle.
Erik laughed, "Lyle always has to ruin the moment."
I laughed as well, "oh Erik when are we getting the DNA tested to see who the dad is?"
"Oh I made an appointment and it's at 5 pm."
I look at the clock that hung on the wall and saw it was 2 pm.
"We have 3 hours and we have to leave."
He noted and right as he did a nurse opened the door and checked up on me,
"Hey, sweetie congrats on the baby!" the nurse said as she unplugged all the equipment,
I smiled, "aw thanks!"
"And your baby is a... Boy!" She said with a smile.
I looked at Erik and he looked back at me with a grin, "thanks for the news!"
"No problem!" she quickly left and for the rest of three 3 hours I and Erik played with our baby which name was "Sebastian"
-3 hours passed-
We were already 1 minute late and Lyle was still asleep. I nudged his shoulder and he quickly woke up,
"Huh?" he said as he rubbed his eyes.
"Come on! We need to do the DNA sampling.." I said as I dragged his arm.
"Ok ok hold up!"
We quickly ran to the car and drive off to the DNA sampling hospital,
Once we arrived I help the baby in my arms and walk inside with Erik on my right and Lyle on my Left. Once we got in Erik signed a paper and we sat down in the waiting room.
After the DNA sampling one of the workers told us to wait in the waiting room for about 5.

- hey y'all!! I j it's wanted to check up? Oh and I'm starting to get a little tired of this story,sorry if this story was dog shit.. I honestly want to start a new story if that's fine..

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