Chapter 1.

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I had just got out of school and had been playing Uno with my best friend Alex on my bed when all of a sudden we heard a loud commotion happening downstairs. Being curious I asked Alex if she heard all of the bickerings.
"Do you hear all that commotion or is it just me?" I asked Alex.
"Yea, " you should go check it out. Alex suggested.
"Mk hold up be right back."
As I walked downstairs I could tell my mom was happy because she was talking loudly.
"Mom, mom! What is this commotion about?" I asked.
"Sweetie! Did, you hear yet we're moving to Beverly Hills, CA." she responded in a happy tone.
She sounded so happy but I was not, since that means I will have to lose all my friends and have to miss out on my middle school graduation party!
"Why are you so happy?" I asked mom.
"Sweetie this is a huge opportunity! See you won't understand you still a little kid." mom responded.
She went back into the living room and started to throw a huge party, but what I was thinking was far from a party. Maybe a nightmare. I went back upstairs and saw Alex still playing with the cards.
"Oh hey, what did she say?" Alex asked.
"Well, which one do you wanna hear good news or bad news?" I responded.
"Hm good news of course!" Alex said.
"Well sorry, Alex but there is no good news I just wanted to light up the moment so ill tell you the bad news, I took a huge gulp and told her. Well, my family just opened a new business in Beverly Hills CA, so we're moving there which means I won't be there for the middle school graduation party we've been dreaming of for the past 7 years." I told her.
Her face looked numb and I could tell she was a little frustrated.
"Wait wait wait, you're missing out on the middle school party?" she asked.
"Yes since I'm moving to Beverly Hills, CA."
Right, when I said that mom busted through the door and told me,
"We're leaving for the airport soon hurry to get packing!" mom said.
And added, "Hey Alex can you leave? I as Aubrey need to talk about something serious."
As Aubrey left the house I saw my mom pacing around the room, like she needed to get something off her chest.
"Aubrey, now sweetheart I and your father agreed that when we move you were not going to still be friends with Alex, as she added she's a bad influence for you." Mom stated.
My eyes widened like I just saw a ghost.. "bad influence?" Mom, you don't even know her as I did, I thought.
"Sweetie all I'm saying is when we move to the new house you not going to keep being friends with Alex," she stormed out of my room and slammed the door shut.
I was so confused because Alex was not a bad person, to get all the stress out of my head I decided to get packing. As I tossed things in my suitcase I stumbled upon a picture from 1975. My 5th Birthday! And with the picture, I saw a card that read the following
Happy birthday, can't believe your 5 years old. Signed by: Alex.
"Awh!" suck a cute letter." I threw it in my suitcase and began to change. For today's fit, I put on a white tank top, black jeans, and hoop earrings.
"Mom I packed up!" I shouted.
I think my mom was still pretty upset with the conversation we had because she responded with a sour tone.
"We're leaving in 5 hours, so we still have time," she said.
Hmm, what should I do then I wondered. An idea popped in my head, I decided to call my best friend to see if she was also still mad. But nobody picked up.
I was extremely sad because I knew this was the only chance I had to talk to her but I screwed it up.
-5 hours Later-
My alarm woke me up at exactly 3 am, I jumped out of the bed and went outside my room to have breakfast.
"SWEETIE! we're late!! Hurry come downstairs." Omg, I forgot we're moving! I went back into my room as put my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my suitcase.
"Come on!" mom said and pulled my arm as we went zooming downstairs to the car.
I got In the car passenger seat and suddenly remembered that converts station me and Alex had. Mom sped off and I could tell mom was nervous but I could care less since I upset the person who made me smile, Alex.
The whole car ride was silent. When we reached the airport I saw dad near the private jet we were flying in. Mom kissed Dad on the cheek and told him, " sorry we're late lazy over here did not want to get up, " she pointed at me. I rushed past dad into the jet and started to cry since I knew dad had something with me and Alex's fight. Dad came over to me and grabbed my hand tightly. "Did your mom tell you about Alex he asked?" dad asked.
"Yes, " I mumbled and he let go of my hand and told me, " she better!" Right when he said that mom told dad to sit next to her, I knew they were about to talk to me.
-3 hours flew by as we landed.
I peeked my head out the window and saw we were in front of an airport. " right as the jet start I heard dad get off his seat and went to talk to the flight attendant, mom nudged me and told me, "Get up sleepy, our Uber is coming to drop us at the new house." Mom said.
"Ok hold up, " I said
I picked up my suitcase and saw the Uber pulling up near the Jet.
Mom pulled me near the Uber and hopped in. She sat in the passenger seat meanwhile I sat in the back.
"Hey there!" mom said to the Uber.
Uber responded, "Hey there were you guys going."
"Oh just to our new house!"
I happened to notice dad was not in the Uber, hmm weird. But I thought nothing of it since he's the last to show up to places.
He stopped at this huge mansion that had a huge pool.
"Thanks for the ride sir!" mom said.
"No problem!" The Uber said.
I jumped out of the Uber and saw mom getting her keys out to open the door. We turned the door and it open,
The house seems like mom and dad already decorated it.
"Like it I and your father decorated it!" mom said.
"Yea, " I said.
"Oh and your bedroom is on the left to the bathroom!" mom told me.
I stormed upstairs and opened the bedroom door and saw a bed and all my furniture already put it, but it was missing something like all my pictures. I stuck all the pictures in the mirror. I turned around and saw a balcony in the corner of my eye.

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