Suddenly Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Hot Wet

We stood up, her back kissing the wall as I kissed her. Wet lips, rain drops dripping down our cheeks, my fingers in her wild sopping hair, her hands tightly gripping my drenched shirt almost splitting the thread on the seams.

The icy air around us had no effect with the heat and steam radiating from our kisses. Scrambling the keys in the door, we stumbled into the lodge, our lips locked, piece by piece our clothing falls off, and my hands navigate themselves on her body as she holds onto me ever so tightly.

The room was filled with lit candles, the thick white hearth rug sat spread in front of the warm kindled fireplace. Our shadows danced on the wall with the flickering candle light. Our bodies tangled, sinking in the thick snowy hearth rug, the embers sparkled and crackled.

Up until then, I hadn't been intimate with a woman and I knew she hadn't been with anyone either, it was both our first time. The fear of being perfect forced my heart to throb harder than it's ever pulsed before. Our hands trembling as we touched each other, our lips were doing everything except talk; our eyes spoke silent words as we lost ourselves in each other.

I could feel her soul, taste her love, the scent of her skin lingered on mine, it was perpetual beauty. She muttered cute moans and smiled in the sweetest manner, her hands wrapped around me as we made love for the first time. At that moment I knew....I'm deeply in love with her.

Sensually slow, tender, soft, hot wet kisses as our bodies churned. Almost like crashing airplanes, the sound of the rain drops exploding on white wooden window shutters could be heard echoing in the room. The thundering of our hearts ebbed as our bodies thrust against each other like torrent waves on the rocks at shore.

Our voices couldn't rise to say a single word, the sensation of her warm lips against my skin drove me insane, it was euphoric, I was on a drug that only she could supply, I was hooked on her, I couldn't get enough. Pulling her closer with each kiss, she filled me with something I had never felt before.

I knew now what the fuss was about, all around the world people would give up their lives for, fight for kill for, and it's this feeling of love and being loved that nothing on this earth could be compared to.

The fire between Havana and I was reaching a fever pitch and the glow of the flames showed me what love really felt like and what I was missing out on all this time. She turned my ashes into beauty; she turned my sadness into joy. In her arms I was fast being shaped into something different, her hands touched me in places which changed the shape of me, almost like she was a potter and I was the clay.

For the first time in a long time I hadn't thought of BE, my body, mind, heart and soul were with another this time. Havana came crashing in, breaking the walls like a wrecking ball, she wrecked me, I was immovable in her arms, and I didn't want her to let me go. Pleasure arose and had reborn with her, all I ever needed was here in this moment, here in my arms.

All she wore was her diamond ring, I watched her fall asleep wrapped in a soft blanket. The silhouette of her body in the fire light resembled the sand dunes of the Kalahari Desert at sunrise. Her body curved and turned at all the right places, deep valleys surrounded my high slopes. I stayed up just a little while longer, watching her breathe, hoping that it was me she was dreaming of.

The fear and respect of her mum forced me to get up, we had to leave if we were to get home before curfew, and I had always gotten Havana home before 9pm if we were ever out. She turned slowly towards me as she woke, her smile lit up the room and me too. We kissed, things were different now, and we were so much closer than before.

The long drive home was spectacular, the rain had cleared and I enjoyed the sheer experience of the journey. She held my hand as I steered the car with just my right. The curvy roads on the way home seemed like we were heading towards the future and I liked what I saw.

I could live like this... I thought. I was happy. It wasn't a few miles on the road before she curled up on the seat and fell asleep, like she did that first time I gave her a ride home. That simple ride home changed everything; it was that moment of suddenly that catapulted my life into a direction I never thought I deserved. It had been a few years since that moment, it was de ja vu for a time or two, only this time I was driving home with my future wife.

I stared at the open road ahead of us and in so many ways that described our relationship at that point, our journey had just begun, we had this long road ahead of us and I knew it was going to be an adventure. I just can't get enough, I couldn't wait. Where would the next turn in our relationship take us?

Wherever it was I knew we could handle it, we were so good together and we complemented each other in every way. She was spontaneous, funny and super intelligent. She would sometimes leave me shocked, her enthusiasm and excitement for adventure was off the chart. She took every challenge that life threw at us and made it a fun filled experience. I was going to marry my best friend, she was almost unreal.

God had tossed me a blessing in the midst of all my loneliness, pain and heartache. I had spent years crying over the loss of BE, searching for answers and reasons as to why it went wrong. I felt like I didn't deserve to feel love, like love had chosen to pass me by.

Here I was thinking that there was no love for me yet now I have the most beautiful girl sitting next to me and I couldn't wait to be with her forever.

Possibly BE had found the same kind of love, that could be the reason why she's never called or tried to reach out to me. Whatever it was, I wasn't going to let a past memory hinder something so beautiful and perfect. I was with Havana now and there's no other place I'd rather be.

I was insistent on making Havana the happiest version of her that she could ever be. I'm going to give her everything, a family, kids, the house with the pool and a great back yard for our kids to run around. I wanted that now more than ever. She made me feel amazing; she completed me as a man.

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