Suddenly Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Shadow the suited escort

A few weeks had whiffed by and I still hadn't seemed to coincidentally meet BE on the walk to school, it began to feel truly impossible, everything had to be perfection on perfection, even Shadow was starting to whimper about the wait. My imaginative well planned mind was tiring slowly and the idea of me walking with her was fast fading like a dream in the middle of a stormy summer's night.

I wouldn't call myself a morning person but I tried my best to be positive always. I got up that morning talking to God, I always make Him the first person I talk to, thanking Him for a good night sleep and a beautiful morning but I was barely mumbling to Him that morning, as my faith was fleeting.

I was always thankful for a place to lay my head to rest knowing that there were millions of people who didn't have the bare minimum of what I had. I was taught to always speak things into existence, "words are seeds" the man on TV said, so I uttered the words with my morning voice, "Today I will meet her". Sometimes the hardest times to be thankful and positive are actually the best times to be thankful and believe that the impossible can be made possible.

Brushing my teeth was never this nerve wrecking as it was that morning. I have had similar mornings like this in the past but that was for my athletics events when I used to sprint for my province. Thinking back, that seemed like a walk in the park compared to this now. Looking at myself in the white framed circular mirror, practicing sweet discourse in my heads' amphitheater as if she was standing next to me in the bathroom, if only she was as approachable as she was in my thoughts as she was in actuality, BE intimidated me in ways I didn't know existed.

A quick bath, change, underarm roll on, palms sweaty and knees weak I headed out for my encounter with destiny. It didn't take long and I was at the spot that marked the X on my treasure map, all systems go, just as I had planned all these weeks, I waited patiently, then, just as the hands ticked over 7:25am, Shadow gave me the wink as he walked BE to her gate. He was a suited escort. It was happening, we crossed paths, like two continental drifts colliding, causing a massive ripple on the pathway to school.

Time momentarily stood still, I often wondered if the Earth had stopped on its axis just for those few minutes. She was making her way towards me, her navy blue blazer never looked so beautiful, the way her skirt fluttered with the morning breeze felt like they were dancing to the rhythm of music in a scene from a romantic comedy. I wasn't any prince and I had no shinning armor either, I felt subdued by her and struggled to find the right words to say.

"Hey Lady" I muttered to her, she smiled unconvincingly as if I was a distraction keeping her from the perfect stance and walk on that curvy brick runway down the slope onto the road that lead to the school gate. I walked hurriedly behind her, taking an effort to keep up, this was it, everything I had been planning for these past weeks had finally come to this apex.

Oh it was game on! It unfolded and it was more than I could have ever asked God for, I was side by side with the most fetching girl in school, BE's steps and mine were in sync, like dancers with the perfect choreography, we walked without saying anything to each other, how could I speak?

I was a love sick puppy alongside her on a leash wrapped around her fingers, none the less we walked together saying sweet nothings, although in those three minutes of eternity it felt like I knew her, from a lifetime before, familiar was she, she made me feel a sense of comfort in my anxiety.

As we reached the gate our souls continued to converse yet our mouths were sworn to silence, a million secrets were unveiled between us as our bodies exchanged little encoded love notes, finally we were walking together.

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