Suddenly Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty Four

New Doors

Newness comes at every corner, the seas roll in with a new tide, even nature and the seasons bring forth delicious colors and brighter sceneries. The past years have filled these pages of my life and they've molded me into the man I've become. In many ways I was thankful for the heartaches and the pains BE had caused me, it's those pains that have pushed me to be a better man, to pursue a career as a teacher by day and a musician by night. Without her as the undertone in my life I doubt I could have achieved everything I did. I somehow did things as if she was watching me; I pushed myself to reach further than I ever could because of her.

Only a diamond can sharpen a diamond, it's the strangeness of nature that is so pertaining to our lives, whether it be a thousand years ago or present day, nature has so much to teach us. I looked at myself as an apex predator with all the battle scars on my heart, it's these battle scars each had a story to tell. They've made me into a man.

Sometimes in order for the new to begin the old must pass away, we hold on to the old because our hearts refuse to let go of the feeling of the good of the past. My past didn't have much of the good feeling, I was holding on to something that didn't exist and I had to look reality in the eye.

Dad wasn't helping either; he'd remind me that I wasn't growing any younger. Dad and mum adored Havana, she was always around and bringing my parents something she had baked or bought for them. Havana made it extremely difficult for me to ignore just how amazing she was. She was perfect dating and marriage material.

I had gotten out of hospital after that failed attempt at a first date and I was hoping for another shot. Due to the sheer intensity of the situation I needed major wingman advice. Dad was a lot of things but I hadn't thought of him as a wingman but nevertheless he offered his priceless words of wisdom. Dad had told me to be myself and go over to her home and just thank her for everything and ask her out to an evening meal as a token of appreciation for all her heroics.

At the end of the week we were seated across each other at a candlelit dinner at a local restaurant. I was actually having a good time, everything felt easy going and natural, she made me feel comfortable around her. I was extremely rusty with talking to a girl and being around the opposite sex.

All my life I've never been critically sick or had any allergies but Murphy always had it out for me especially when I least expected it. Murphy had a law which crept up on the unsuspecting victim when they least expected it. Murphy's Law was originated in the early nineteenth century by Edward Aloysius Murphy; he said that "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong"

Just my luck, halfway through the romantic dinner, my lips start to swell up to an unappealing degree. Apparently the shellfish marinade had something sinister to do with sabotaging my second date. Havana made light of it and laughed at me, which made me feel a little better about being the punch line of yet another failed attempt to woo her.

This time I managed to drive myself to the emergency room but Havana refused to leave my side, she tagged along for the ride and made sure I was okay. The nurse at the emergency room recognized us from the incident with my hand. She came to our aid as Havana my translator explained to her just exactly what had happened.

A few CC's of Benadryl and I was as high as a kite on a windy day. I unknowingly had fallen prey to Havana and her interrogative questions. Under the influence of the antihistamine I told her that I thought she was cute and that I liked her. Of course I had no clue that I had done so and Havana loved the idea of secretly knowing how I felt about her.

Once again she had driven us back home from the hospital, by the time we arrived at her home my lips had returned back to their normal size but I was too scared to make a move or go in for a goodnight kiss. As we stopped at her driveway she kissed me on the cheek and laughed hysterically as she said,

"Never a dull moment with you Mister, goodnight"

I chuckled as I watched her walk up to her door, thinking to myself; somehow I had managed to tank another date with Havana.

On the short drive home the radio played an unfamiliar familiar song which took my thoughts back to BE. It was a cold August night, I took my feet of the gas so the car would slow down, just so I could remember her with every word of that song, it's like I didn't want it to end. My heart was torn between my love for BE and the new door of the affection of Havana, it was torn between what could have been and what is.

My time was running out, BE's time was running out. I had hoped by now that somehow we would have met or spoken, that we would have been madly in love or dating at this point. BE was off the grid and I had no idea where she was but right now, at this moment, Havana was here.

Ryan was an old friend who I had bumped into him the next day. He was one of the good ones, a close friend from high school. He had a rough childhood and fought for the success he achieved thus far. He had landed a good job and was extremely hard working at it. I admired him for his work ethic and ambition.

On that day he was playing a different role though, he spoke words of wisdom like I had never heard him speak before. He said something to me that changed everything, he said that I should stop treating Havana the way BE had treated me, he said that sometimes it's better to be the reason someone is happy and it's a blessing to make someone happy.

His words rang hot in my ears for days to come and I couldn't turn a blind eye to the attention and public shown of affection that Havana displayed towards me, it was overwhelming at times, it made me feel special. Being wanted and needed by someone was an amazing feeling. This feeling was engulfing and flattering to say the least, I never thought that I could mean anything to anyone.

Havana treated me like I was a prince, she saw me in a different way. To her I was everything she had ever dreamed of. Maybe it was my time to be treated like a prince.

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