Just Friends? (nsfw)

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"Are you ready..kitten." Adora said in a seductive tone.

"Adora ar-"

"Shh.." Adora put her finger on Catra's lips letting go of both her wrists.

(I'm stopping it here because they are gonna have their time soon ;)

I woke up and felt some weight on my shoulder and looked over and saw Catra laying her head on my shoulder I stared at her and smiled remembering last night. I slowly got up off of the bed and went to take a shower. I got in the bathroom and turned on the water, then got in. I felt a burn on my neck when the water hit it and touched my neck and felt the cut from Catra's teeth last night I smiled again at the thought and finished showering. When I got out of the shower I changed into a black bra and some grey sweats and sat on my desk to finish up some work for my assignment.

I had my headphones on and listened to some Girl In Red and worked on my assignment until I felt someone hug my neck from behind Catra I thought and took my headphones out and turned around.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey you, how was your sleep?" I asked.

"Great, what are you working on?" She looked at my laptop.

"Oh, just an assignment." I showed her.

"Oh that's boring." She started walking away.

"Wait, where are you going?" I didn't want her to go even though she wasn't leaving far.

"Aww miss me already," She laughed. I gave a 'Sad' face. "Ok, I was just gonna go shower."

"Oh sorry." I let go of her hand and she walked off and showered.

A few minutes later she came back from the shower and was wearing some black sweats and a navy blue baggy shirt. I stared at her when she entered my room. How can she look so good in anything? At this point I was kinda frustrated at how hot she is.

"Hey Blondie." She said.

"Oh h-hey." I looked up at her face.

"what do you want to eat?" She asked.

"Oh um I'll have some pancakes bacon and eggs, please." She smiled and walked out.

"After a few minutes I came out of my room to see how she was doing with the food. I walked out of my room and saw Catra staring at eggs and bacon mumbling stuff to herself. I came from behind her and asked. "How's it going?" I knew it wasn't going well.
"Oh....great, I'm making a lot of progress as you can see!" She raised her voice at the end of her sentence.

"Sorry, I just don't know how to cook." She looked away probably in embarrassment.

I stopped hugging her and stood next to her. "So, why didn't you say anything?" I asked confused.

"Because......because I didn't want to.......disappoint you." She look at the floor.

"Disappoint me?" I turned to the counter and cracked an egg. "Trust me it takes a lot to disappoint me, especially for you." I smiled.

I watched her every move when she was cooking. How can she be so.....perfect. And what did she mean by "especially for you"? I was interrupted by my thoughts when I felt Adora's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Catra, Hello!? Are you even paying attention to me?" She asked.

"Huh? Wha-oh- um yeah, yeah sorry." She continued finishing the pancakes.

When Adora finished making the food we sat down and ate.

"Hey want something to drink, it's kinda dry?" Adora asked.

"Yeah, please." I said. She got up and went to the fridge and she sighed and got some orange juice.

"Hey, we only have enough for one." She said from the counter.

"Oh um if you want we can....share one, only if you want of co-"

"Sure, good idea." She poured the orange juice into one cup and brought it over to the table. She sat down and took a sip. I kept eating until I really felt super thirsty and Then grabbed the cup and drank some juice. I saw Adora's head shoot up looking at me when I drank it. I slowly put it back on the table and kept eating. After a while of silence we finished eating and decided to clean up the dorm. We put on some music and cleaned while singing and dancing until this went on for a few hours. Before we started I remembered to set an alarm for 7:00 so that me and Adora would have time to get ready for the dinner with Crop top and Sparkles.
We mainly listens to girl in red. When we finished we both relaxed on the couch Adora sat on the end of the couch while I was laying down and had my head in her lap. We were singing along until 'Fire on Fire' by Sam Smith came on. I listened to that song in the past but decided to wait for the right person to listen to it with.

I thought about getting up to skip to the next song but decided not to because I wanted to see what would happen and if Adora would like it. I sang along to it.

I could tell Adora liked it because she started singing along to the repeated parts of the song. I could feel her moving her finger in circles behind my ear which cause me to purr. I quickly covered my mouth hoping she didn't hear that.

"Did you just.....purr." She looked at me smiling.

"I-No! S-shut up!"

She put her forehead down to mine, her hair was down and it was covering both of us like we were in a little room and she whispered.

"Do you purr that often?"

"I-no I don't actually..." I said closing my eyes. I could feel her lift her head and sit back up. I sat up and just cuddled up to her nuzzling my head in her neck.

I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder....

And how I see myself with you....

I looked up at Adora and smiled. She looked back and smiled too, Then I leaned in and kissed her.

Fire on Fire we're normally killers with this much desire together we're winners....

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners....

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms......

We pulled away and I smiled at the thought of us being together and hoped that it would happen soon. Adora's the only one that I can let my walls down around.

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me and look in my eyes......

You are perfection my only direction.....

It's Fire on Fire........It's Fire on Fire.....

When the song ended I felt like I was free from hiding my feelings for Catra and like it was only the two of us in this world.

Wow that's crazy 2 chaps in one day especially on the weekend wow. I really had nothing else to do so ye. Hope you enjoyed this chap.

Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt