Chapter 8: Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

'Follow me.'

The door to the Great Hall opened and Emma and I gasped. There were just sooooo many people and WE WERE IN THE GREAT HALL. Like seriously, it was my life dream to walk in here and have dinner with the food and drink magically appearing and oh what else? The ceiling! The magical ceiling! I looked up to see...

Green screens.


'This's amazing...' I whispered to Emma.

'I know...' She was fascinated too.

But that didn't last long because Chris yelled out, 'Stop stop!'

We all stopped and turned around to the door.
'Emma!' He said, smiling as though he was trying to remind her.

Emma looked puzzled but she soon yelped, 'Oh! I'm so sorry!'

'It's fine. I can see that you were too distracted by the set.' He laughed.

'Yeah...' She blushed slightly.

'Oh well, we were going to crop a bit of the entering anyway. We can start from there.'

'Okay, cool. I'm sorry.'

'Don't worry Emma. I don't expect any scene of any movie will be perfect on the first go. Well, this's the second take.'

Emma smiled weakly.

'From the door opening!' Chris yelled to the crowd and led us First Years and Maggie back out.

'Cameras?' He called up above as the door closed again. The people above must've given him a thumbs up because Chris nodded and backed away, out of the camera sight.

'Ready all?' He said to us.


'Third time, first time! And... Action!'


We started walking a bit off camera sight as the doors opened.

'Those aren't real, you know.' Emma said looking up at the green sheets. 'They're only magic, making it look like the real sky. I read it in, Hogwarts: A History.'

'Me too!' I smiled.

'Really? It's a great book, don't you reckon?'


In front of us I saw Rupert whispering something to Dan.

We arrived in front of the Staff Table and the Sorting Hat (ASDFGHJKL) and Maggie strode up to it.

'Please come up to the front when your name is called.' She said, taking a roll of parchment. At that moment I was trying so hard not to be smiling and look around the set. 'Hermione Granger.'

I caught eyes with Emma's and I nodded stiffly. She turned back around and I heard her muttering, 'Okay, calm down. It'll be all right.'

'Mental, that one.' Rupert said to Dan.

Emma sat "nervously" on the stool and a second later,

'AAHHH.' It boomed around the whole entire set that nearly everyone jumped up a feet, shortly followed by laughter.

'That was a tad loud, Martin.' The voice said between chuckles.

The laughter turned into chatter as we all waited for Chris's cue.

Every once a while, the voice actor who was the Sorting Hat would test the sound but it was always too loud or too quiet. About the eight attempt later, I thought I heard Chris yell, 'Perfect!'

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