10: Time After

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A year later, Draco and Harry were getting ready to go to Hogwarts once again, this time to teach.

"I hate first-day jitters.." Muttered Draco, Harry chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms around Draco from behind, "why are you nervous?" Harry asked softly as Draco turned in his arms so he was now facing his husband, and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck.

"Because I'm branded with the dark mark.. what if the kids don't like me and call me names, there are still several students from when we were in Hogwarts there."

"You'll be perfect Draco, and if you're that nervous, I'll come to visit you in the dungeons now and then, and you're more than welcome in my class," Harry reassured him with a soft smile.

Draco smiled softly back, "thank you." He said quietly before kissing Harry. "Of course, Potter." Harry grinned, "I might as well start calling you Malfoy if you keep going this way." Draco remarked.

"Heavens no, no offence to the Malfoy name but I think I'm good with my last name." Harry laughed and Draco laughed with him.

"Alright, you got everything?" Draco asked, stepping out of Harry's embrace. "Yep, you?" Draco just nodded in response.

They apparated to Hogwarts and Minerva greeted them. "Boys, so lovely to see you." She smiled warmly as she began guiding them through Hogwarts to the teachers living space and to their room.

The boys got settled in before heading down to the great hall for the welcoming feast. Harry sat down beside Neville, Draco sitting on the other side of Harry. "Draco, Harry, how are you?" Neville asked with a small smile, "brilliant, although Draco's still nervous." Harry chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll be great, Draco." Neville smiled at him. Draco smiled back, "thanks, how are you and Blaize doing?"

"We're doing well, thanks for asking."

They continued their quiet chatting until the students started pulling into the great hall.

Harry was starting to become nervous as the students noticed him and began whispering to each other. Draco grabbed Harry's hand under the table and gave it a small squeeze and Harry intertwined their fingers together, squeezing back slightly.

The sorting hat was pulled out and began sorting the new first years into their houses.

Once all the first years were sorted Minerva stood at the podium. "Students, I would like to welcome your new potions professor; Mr. Potter-"

"-It's still weird hearing her call me Potter when she's been calling me Malfoy since we were 11," Draco whispered to Harry, laughing quietly.

"-And your new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor; Mr. Potter." She smiled warmly.

"Cats out of the bag!" Draco whispered in Harry's ear making Harry break into a fit of laughter. Whispers erupted in the great hall, Harry and Draco only being able to make out the topic, which unsurprisingly, revolved around them and to why they had the same last name, only the older years actually knowing the reason.

The feast was quickly wrapped up and Harry and Draco made their way to their room for the night.

Draco was the first up, he sat up in the bed and rubbed his eyes a bit. He felt Harry shift beside him and smiled softly, leaning over and kissing him softly on the lips. Harry smiled tiredly, "morning." Harry said softly. "Morning, we gotta get up now." Harry groaned.

Harry sat up and stretched before getting out of the bed with Draco, getting dressed and then heading downstairs to the great hall for breakfast.

Harry had his arm linked with Draco's as they walked into the great hall, a few students already there along with all the teachers.

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