1: Back To Hogwarts With A Surprise

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Harry was on the train to Hogwarts once again, he sat beside the window, Ron and Hermione sitting opposite of him, Ron with his arm around Hermione. Harry looked out the window while waiting for the train to take off.

He wasn't too thrilled to be going back to Hogwarts where the war had taken place only a few months prior. It held so many memories to him, good and bad. He almost didn't go but before he could decide not to go Hermione had dragged him to platform 9 and 3/4.

The train whistled, signalling that it was taking off now and began pulling out of the station.

Harry's emerald eyes watched as the trees passed, growing more nervous to return to Hogwarts and finally tell his friends everything. He grew more nervous by the minute. He played with the silver ring on his left-hand middle finger, easing his nerves slightly.

The compartment door opened but Harry ignored it keeping his eyes to the scenary passing out the window, thinking that it was some new first years wanting to meet the famous Harry Potter.

Harry watched Hermione out of the corner of his eye turn to the door about to tell some kid to run along but she stopped. She crossed her arms and Ron turned to face the door as well, a scowl growing on his face.

"What do you want?" Ron growled.

The person in the door let out a small breath, making it almost sound like they had been running. "Harry." The familiar voice breathed.

Ron and Hermione turned to face Harry, looks of confusion on their faces by the use of his first name from who was standing in the doorway.

Harry's face broke into a smile knowing exactly who spoke, he turned to face the doorway where Draco was standing.

"Draco!" Harry quickly got up, and practically tackled Draco with a hug.

Draco hugged him back tightly as Harry buried his face in Draco's neck, "I missed you." Harry whispered, "I missed you too." Draco whispered back, "let's sit down, your friends are gonna want an explanation, they're kinda giving me dirty looks too." The two chuckled, pulling apart to sit down, Harry linking their hands together in the process.

"Bloody hell!" Ron said bewildered.

Hermione just sat there with her jaw hanging open, staring at the two across from her.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, a light blush creeping over his face.

"Guess we should start from the beginning." Harry sighed a bit and Draco squeezed his hand gently.

"Before the war, back in 5th year, uhm, we came to a truce, and around halfway through the year we got together-" Harry was cut off, "-TOGETHER! As in dating?!" Ron exclaimed, going pale.

"Yes, Weasley, as in dating." Draco chuckled slightly.

"And then before I knew it I had to leave him behind while we went hunting Horcruxes. That's also why he didn't give me away to Bellatrix when the snatchers caught us and brought us to Malfoy manor. We did our best to keep our relationship a secret, not wanting any more on our plate than we already had from everything that was going on.

"After the war was over, I went to the ministry for Draco's and his mom's hearing, saying they were both innocent, 'cause they both helped us out, and they were just put on house arrest, part of Draco's probation was to come to Hogwarts for his 8th year though.

"But on August 16th, during one of my many, many, visits to see Draco and his mom, Draco pulled me for a walk through the garden at Malfoy manor while his mom was busy cooking dinner and he-" Harry stuttered slightly as he began to blush again.

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