4: Christmas Gifts And New Years Wishes

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"Boys get up, we have to leave soon!" Hermione said from the other side of the door.

Harry groaned, snuggling closer to Draco, who yawned.

"C'mon we have to get up, Harry." Harry groaned again, "I don't wanna."

"Fine, I'll leave without you," Draco said, getting up from the bed, putting his clothes on. Harry sighed, "fine." He put his glasses on and sat up, he stretched and got out of bed, getting his clothes on, putting on one of Draco's jumpers in the process.

They walked out of their room, "finally, c'mon we don't have time to eat, we have to go now!" Hermione grunted, pushing Ron, Harry and Draco out the door with their stuff. They all rushed to the train station.

When they got on the train and had their stuff away Harry and Draco sat on one side of the compartment, Hermione and Ron sitting opposite them.

"Are you sure I'll be welcome at the burrow?" Draco asked hesitantly, "I haven't exactly been the nicest to your family." Ron snorted, "you could say that again. But don't worry mum's forgiving, and if you're making Harry happy, that's all she cares about." Draco slowly nodded, "alright." He said quietly.

"It's alright Draco, Molly said it was fine if we brought you," Harry reassured him. Draco smiled softly at him.

The rest of the train ride was quiet, nothing more than quiet chatter and soft snores from Harry.

When the train came to a stop Harry woke up with a start, "you alright mate?" Ron asked Harry, he nodded, and they all began gathering their things together, getting off the train.

They met Mr. Weasley and all got into his car. When they got to the burrow Molly greeted Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny with a big hug, Draco hung back, still feeling out of place.

"Draco, dear, don't just stand there, come here," Molly said, walking over to Draco and hugging him. Draco returned the hug, "thanks for having me." He said softly, "Ron will show you to your room." Molly said, letting go of Draco so he could follow Harry and Ron upstairs.

Ron brought them to his room, gesturing the spare bed, "just don't do anything other than sleeping." Ron said, going green at the thought, "Ron, we're at the burrow, why would we." Harry chuckled.

They went back downstairs and Draco noticed George in the corner, seeing as Harry was content chatting with Hermione and Ron, he walked over to George, "you doing alright?" He asked quietly.

George looked up, "what are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming." He asked Draco.

"I'm here with Harry," he replied, George nodded, a little surprised but didn't comment further, "it looks like he's looking for you then." Draco looked over to Harry, who was fiddling with his ring, looking around nervously, "I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Draco asked George, "yeah," he replied and Draco went over to Harry.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Draco asked him.

"Just.. just feeling a little overwhelmed is all," Harry mumbled, hugging Draco as he buried his face in Draco's neck. "Just take a breather, I'm always here for you, promise," Draco said quietly, hugging Harry back.

"I know," Harry said softly, "I love you." Draco smiled, "I love you too, Harry."

The front door opened, breaking the silence, Bill and Fleur walking in, as Harry and Draco pulled apart. Bill nodded to Draco and he nodded back, "I'm gonna get a drink, you go sit down alright?" Draco told Harry, who nodded going to the living room.

Draco got a glass of water before joining Harry in the living room, sitting on the arm of the chair Harry was sitting on, "hey Draco, fancy a game of chess?" Ron asked.

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