A Secret Language

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His very first answer is an unprecedented weird silence. Looking between her confused yet curious son and the blonde who doesn't even dare to come out of the blanket, Idina brushes a strand of hair from her face and lets out a nervous laugh, "Ugh, well ... Honey, could you please leave us for a moment? I promise I'll explain to you later. By the way, CLOSE THE DOOR!"

Making sure Walker has walked away, she drags Kristen up and deadpans, "What now?"

"Oh no, I'm so sorry, Dee!" Seeing Idina's smirk, Kristen blushes, "But ... that was kinda funny."

"Who was it that hid like a turtle!" Idina throws a pillow at her before kissing the blonde again. "But seriously, what should I tell Walker? I think maybe it's a good time to educate him, you know."

"I see," Kristen slips into her pajamas and resumes her usual thinking position. "Well, what did you say to him when I moved in?"

"I told him it's because I love you very much. And you know how much he loves you, so I think he's okay with us living together with him."

"Yeah, I know that. Thank you," she flashes Idina a grateful smile, "It just occurred to me, Dee, I wonder ... how much does he know about ... homosexuality." She gently holds Idina's hand when she feels her muscles tense up, as a comfort for both of them.

"Well ... he did ask a thing or two, like why his classmates' mommies live with their daddies, and I'm, well, with a woman. He understands why I no longer live with his Dad, and what 'living together' generally means – first with Taye, and then not with Taye, and then with ... never mind. But I guess I've never formally told him that we're lovers and I want to be with you for life. We didn't have enough time to settle that."

Before Kristen can reply, Walker's voice echoes from the outside, "May I come in now?"

"Sure!" Kristen answers, hugging Walker as he approaches. "Your mommy and I, well, are about to tell you..."

"Why did you scream, Kristen? Are you hurt?"

"No, of course not," she flashes a nervous look at Idina, who nods letting her continue. "It is because your mommy and I love each other very much and I was so happy so I screamed, like you do when you're on a roller-coaster."

"Okay..." The boy nods, not fully comprehending.

"And what you saw us doing," Idina chimes in, "was something Mommy and Kristen do to show our love to each other. One day you may do it with someone you truly love, as well, but now you're still too young for that, so promise me you won't do it now."



"Okay, Mommy, I promise. So ... you love Kristen very much?"


"But I think love is only between boys and girls. Last week Andrew told the whole class that he loves Maggie."

"Well in most cases it is between boys and girls, but actually people can generate love toward whoever they want, no matter if it's boy or girl. Do you remember the girl Grace who has two dads?"


"So you see, a boy can fall in love with a boy. They love each other so much so that they start up a family, just like Grace's. It's the same for girls."

"So ... you and Kristen also want to be a family?"

"That's what we plan on, even though it may not come very soon. But if we do make a family, do you want to be with us?"

What If | Idina Menzel & Kristen Bell fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu