"I should go get the others," Draco exclaimed, turning his eyes back at the house, "I suspect you girls need to sneak back to yours before your parents wake?"

I smiled, a little sneakily, "Yeah, if I am caught I will never hear the end of it."

He smiled, "I think I've had a bad influence on you."

I shook my head, "you've changed me in ways I could never explain."

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead, "Soon you and I will have a sleepover."

I felt my cheeks blush and I smiled up at him, innocently, but if he could see the naughty thoughts in my head he would not think I was innocent at all.

"I will be quick," Draco said and peered around the empty driveway with a few cars parked on the gravel, "I will go find them and come straight out."

I nodded and he seemed hesitant to leave me alone.

"Actually, come with me," Draco said, tugging on my hand.

I shook my head, "No," going back inside the house was the last thing I wanted to do. This cool chilly night was too peaceful to go back into that crowded house. "—I will be fine out here."

He hesitated and seemed to turn over a million scenarios in his head before he came up with a solution, "okay, then go sit on that bench." He pointed to a bench hidden under a tree with pretty leaves and branches falling down so low they almost touch the ground.

I nodded and he walked me over to the bench and then hastily walked into the house.

Too soon he was gone and too soon did I want him back. It seemed awfully quieter now that I was all alone with nothing but the creaking crickets keeping me company. I nestled myself further into the bench and wrapped my arms around my body.

Suddenly the cold breeze wasn't relaxing, it was an eerie chill which made the hairs on my arms spike. I was being paranoid. Every little sound made my heart beat a little faster.

An owl hooted somewhere in the tree and it seemed to echo on for miles. It was a shame I couldn't see my surroundings fully because of the darkness and my eyes were playing tricks on me.

I closed my eyes shut and silently begged Draco to hurry up even though he had been about forty-five seconds, it felt like hours.

Suddenly, a crow flew out of the trees causing a wild rustle of branches and leaves above me. I jumped and bit my tongue so hard I could now taste blood.

Then my heart pounded in my chest, a continuous thump when I heard rustling from the bush beside me. My first thought was Noah. Every bone inside my body was telling me to run. And I almost did until a half-naked boy stumbled out of the bush and fell to the floor.

He hadn't noticed me and I hoped he wouldn't. I remained as still as I could as I watched the boy stand to his feet and steady himself. Then he turned and his wobbly eyes met mine. I cringed as I watched something come to life in his eyes.

"Well, hello," he slurred slowly and walked over to me.

I turned away, hoping he would take the hint and walk away. He didn't. He sat beside me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, shuffling away from him. He smelled like muggle alcohol and sweat.

"Are you all alone out here?" he leaned closer to me and I leaned so close to the armrest of the bench that my side began to hurt.

"No," I told him with all the confidence I could find, "I am waiting for my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend, huh?" he chuckled, "Well I don't see him."

"He will be here any second," I warned.

"That's what they all say," he stuttered and I turned my gaze on him, feeling disgusted.

He laughed again and he foolishly didn't seem afraid. And then I felt his hand land on my thigh and grip harshly. I stood up abruptly and he grabbed my wrist. Luckily, he was drunk which gave me a little more strength over him. I yanked my wrist away and backed away as I watched him stumble toward me.

I backed away a few steps and then my back collided with something hard and warm. Startled, I gasped and turned around but it was Draco's whose hands steadied me and relief settled through my veins.

His eyes however were dark and menacing and the opposite of comforting. Feral rage glistened in them under the moonlight as he stared at the drunk boy behind me. He is going to do something very bad to that boy and I should stop him but then I thought of all the girls he had harassed before me and will harass.

So I didn't stop Draco when he gently released my arm and stood around me, then stormed toward the boy and punched him so hard across the jaw that he fell to the floor. Draco was on top of him and hit him repeatedly. The drunk boy put up a good fight, almost getting a punch in but Draco was lethal against him.

Theo and Blaise came to my side and then looked at each other. I just watched Draco and felt satisfaction inside me. Blaise and Theo then walked over to Draco and grabbed one of his arms each and pulled him off the bloodied boy.

Draco yelled a few profanities at the half-unconscious boy as his friends hauled him away.

"Merlin," Daphne's voice murmured somewhere beside me but I was too. . . mesmerized at the sight.

"Are you alright?" Pansy asked me, her hand on my arm bringing me out of whatever trance I had fallen into.

I nodded my head and she looked at me like she was trying to see through me. But I was alright. I was more than okay knowing I had someone like Draco to always keep me safe.

"Fucking hell, Draco," Blaise cursed, expecting the damage Draco did to the boy's face.

Theo released Draco's arm and Draco walked over to me, and not caring that Daphne and Pansy were at my side, he cupped my face and said, "Did he hurt you?"

His eyes looked between mine as he waited for my answer and If I said yes, I was certain he would go and kill the boy.

"No, I am fine," I told him.

Relief relaxed his tense body and wrapped his arms around me. I returned the hug and I wanted to stay like this forever. I wanted to stay safe forever but the sun was rising and we should have been home an hour ago. As Pansy, Daphne and I apparated home, I hoped my father wouldn't have decided to get up early today.

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

Insta & TikTok @ kirsten.enn

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