“And you think this is why I am having so much trouble with all of this?”

“Yes Sophia, Knox is right.   I should have also figured it out.   Let me simplify it for you.   There are essentially three parts to you.   Human, wolf and goddess.   Right now your wolf part is dominating the other two as it prepares for its first shift.   And since you are in your human form, your goddess part has more or less, stepped to the back burner.   That is why your magic is all haywire.   I am sorry that it surpassed me as well.  Once you shift, things should go back to normal.”

I don’t know why but the fact that there was a reason why I kept screwing up and not because I was a failure comforted me immensely.  In a way it made sense.   The past two days have been hell being trapped inside.  

My body craved being outside and my skin itched and hurt.   It was like I had all this energy running through me with nowhere to go.   The phrase being uncomfortable in your own skin made perfect sense to me.   Now I know why. 

I honestly forgot about shifting and I felt bad for my inner wolf.   She was there and I felt her, but I was focusing so hard on doing my magic that I guess I ignored her.  I am such a bitch.  A confused bitch.   None of this made sense, but at the same time it did.   It was hard being 3 things at once.   I struggled on managing all of them.

No worries Sophia, after our shift we will no longer have any more discord amongst us.   The three will be one.

Oh Gaea, I am so sorry.   I am such a horrible person.  

Again, no worries.   I feel what you feel so I understand.   I promise that after our shift we will be unified as one and our powers will return to normal.   I have been embracing my new wolf side and cannot wait for tonight.  

Walking over to Knox, I rest my head on his chest and breathe in his scent.   A calmness covers me as his arms surround me.   I don’t like this feeling of uneasiness. 

“Don’t worry baby that feeling will disappear tonight.   I remember my first shift.  Come on, let’s get you in the bath before dinner.   You need a few moments to unwind.”

Knox reached down and picked me up.   I suddenly felt so drained and my body was shutting down.   I closed my eyes for a few minutes hoping that would help.

When I reopened them, Knox was lowering us into the tub.   The water felt wonderful against my sore muscles.   His hands grabbed the soap and gently washed my body.   I was so tired I didn’t even get aroused by his touch and that worried me.

“Shh, baby.   Just relax and let me take care of you.   Your body is saving its energy for tonight.   Lean on me and relax.   After our bath I will tuck you into bed for a quick nap while I get you some dinner.   Then later when the moon is up, we will head outside for your shift.”

True to his word, my mate took excellent care of me.   After dinner, we snuggled up in bed together as the kids told me about their day.   Noah was super excited about my shift tonight and wanted to stay up for it.    Knox vetoed that idea as we didn’t know what was going to happen.  

I have to say I truly love my new son.   He holds a special place in my heart and I could not ask for a better mate for my daughter.   Sure it still weirds me out that they are now technically brother and sister, but hey I have just learned to go with the flow on certain items. 

 After putting the kids to bed we headed outside to the common area to walk around.   Whenever the moonlight would hit my skin tingles began to dance just under the surface.   I still had another hour until midnight and I was getting antsy. 

As we made our way back to the porch, Vlad, Alex and Jane stood waiting for us.   As a group we made our way to the west training field.   Vlad had his warriors surround the area so we were protected.   Since vampires all had some type of magic we figured they were better prepared for whatever could happen.  

Vlad did some research and never came across a goddess that was mixed with anything else.   Mainly they mated with other gods and well since there are apparently none of them around, yeah so let’s just say we are walking into uncharted territories. 

 The closer it got to midnight the more nervous I began to feel.   I was scared of what would happen.   Gaea told me to stop being such a worry wart and all was good.   Like me Knox was also a bit apprehensive about my shift.   He was picking up on my feelings and tried to soothe me the best he could.

Vlad on the other hand was smiling like a fool.   He was so excited that he kept glancing at his watch and fidgeting with it.   The vampire was seriously starting to freak me out a bit.   Since I met him the man was nothing but controlled and serious, but to look at him now you would never guess he was the King of Vampires.     

We reached the center of the field and with Knox and me in the middle, Alex and Jane shifted in case there was any trouble and stood next to Vlad. 

“Knox, I don’t know what to do and I am scared.”

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.   My body instantly relaxed against his.   I loved the feel of his lips on mine.  

Leaning back he pecked me one last time.   “Baby you got this.   Just close your eyes and tilt your face up to the moon.   We will leave your clothes on as they will just rip when you shift.   When the pull towards the moon increases just picture yourself in your mind as a wolf.   Nature will take care of the rest.   Remember that I am here with you and I love you.   I cannot wait to meet your wolf.”

With that Knox stepped back and I took a deep breath and waited.   With my eyes closed and face tilted to the moon I could feel the energy flow through me.   I imagined what I would look like as a wolf.   Would I be black like Knox or brown and white like Jane?  

As I pictured running through a field with Knox as a wolf my body was engulfed in an intense heat.   My bones and muscles began to bend and break until I was thrusted forward to the ground.   I wanted to scream out in pain but before I could the pain was gone.   Relief settled over me as I collapsed to the ground completely.  

As I opened my eyes the world before me looked different.  More focused…more colorful…more detailed.   It was amazing. 

Looking up I noticed Knox was still in his human form staring at me, his expression was hard to read.   Turning I looked for Vlad and when my eyes met his he gasped. 

“Holy Shit...Gaea…”

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