"Good. This will save me some time, but you should probably get out of here before Thawne sees you." Cisco said and Sara nodded as she took the case with her completed suit in it and headed out.

At the same time as this was happening, Joe was on his way out of the house when he heard a knock on his door.

"Seriously, this is not a good time." Joe groaned as he walked over to the door, but his tune immediately changed when he saw who it was.

"I picked a bad time to come by didn't I?" Wally asked and Joe smiled.

"Never a bad time for you son." Joe said with a smile as he hugged his son.

"Hey dad." Wally said.

"Did you run here from Keystone?" Joe asked.

"No, Sara dropped me off, she had to make a pitstop at Star Labs for something and honestly, I couldn't have run here anyways since I don't have my speed yet." Wally said.

"Right, you didn't get your powers from the particle accelerator explosion like Barry did." Joe said.

"Actually, in this reality, I remember that I was in Central City for a class trip when the particle accelerator exploded." Wally said.

"But you weren't in a coma." Joe pointed out.

"I know, but that's another reason why I'm here, since I don't want my powers to be dependent on Savitar. I was hoping that Caitlin could run some tests on me, see if maybe I did get powers, they're just dormant." Wally said.

"I agree with you on the Savitar part, since no powers are worth your sister's life." Joe said.

"I agree." Wally said.

"So anyways, does your mother know you're here?" Joe asked.

"No and I'd like to keep it that way until I've come up with a cover story about how I found out about you and Iris." Wally said.

"Wally, your mother is going to be worried out of her mind considering the fact that you just disappeared without a trace." Joe said.

"I know. But I'm also not sure if she's ready to face you and Iris." Wally said.

"I get that, but she already missed Iris's wedding once, she is not missing it again." Joe said.

"I'm surprised that they're not waiting until they prove that Barry's dad is innocent to get married." Wally said.

"Henry won't let them. He doesn't want them to put their lives on hold for something that he doesn't think will ever happen. Henry doesn't know just how many people believe that he's innocent, but now that I've been reminded that he is innocent, I'm going to do everything I can to get him out of prison." Joe said.

"I hope so." Wally said.

"I gotta get to work, but you should come with me, say hello to Barry." Joe said and Wally nodded.

"You sure you can handle doing this?" Iris asked her fiance.

"I did it for years in the old reality." Barry said.

"I know, but this has to feel like you're going backwards." Iris said.

"We can't get everything we want and honestly, I'm just glad that he's alive, even if he's still in here." Barry said as Henry Allen was brought out to the visitor's section of Iron Heights.

"Hey Slugger." Henry said with a smile.

"Hi dad. I'm awake." Barry said.

"I can see that. Iris, I'm glad to see that you're here with him." Henry said.

"No place I'd rather be than by his side, especially when I'm greeting my future father-in-law." Iris said, since the her of this universe had also believed Barry's story that his father was innocent.

"I'm glad that Barry didn't let his obsession with getting me out of here stop him from putting a ring on your finger. I just wish that I could be there to watch." Henry said.

"But you will dad. You will." Barry said.

"Barry, you've been at this for years." Henry said.

"And I've finally got a real lead on the man who killed mom. I'm gonna get you out of here and you're going to be there when I make Iris my wife." Barry said.

"Barry, I wish I could believe that, but I've been in here for 15 years and the only people who believe that I'm innocent are sitting in front of me." Henry said.

"Not true." Iris said.

"Meaning?" Henry asked.

"We finally got Joe to believe it and he's reopening your case. We're gonna find out who really killed mom and get you your freedom." Barry said.

"I wish I could believe that son. But please, don't let this obsession keep you from living your life." Henry said as they were told that their time was up and Henry was led away.

"Maybe he had a point about something." Iris said.

"About what?" Barry asked.

"We're going to wait until your dad's free to have the big ceremony, but that will take some time and I don't think I can wait. Especially, at least to us, we were married a few days ago." Iris said.

"What are you saying Iris?" Barry asked.

"There's no rule saying that we can't get married twice. So I'm thinking that we go to city hall tomorrow with my dad, Cecille, Cisco, Caitlin and Ralph and get married there and then, once your dad is free, we'll hold the big ceremony." Iris said and Barry nodded.

"Sounds good to me." Barry said as he kissed her before his phone buzzed.

"Who is that?" Iris asked.

"It's Oliver. He said that he's coming to Central City this weekend and he wants to talk. One that he knows that we both need to have." Barry said.

"Well, at least he's alive to have it." Iris said and Barry nodded in agreement, since he was very glad that Oliver was alive. No matter what Oliver said, Barry firmly believed that the world needed the Green Arrow, since it had been Oliver who'd inspired him to become the Flash not just to clear his father's name, but also to protect Central City the same way he protected Star City. And this time he wasn't going to let Oliver throw that away. Not even to save himself.

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