Chapter 25: Now, To the Market! (2)

Start from the beginning

"And there's no rice either."

The spices needed for curry are different from the ones used for curry rice. I only know the recipe for the latter, so rice is necessary.

<Rice is called [Gliano] in this world>

I see.

<Gliano is used to feed livestock>

Eh, what?

<The people of this world don't have the means to cook rice>

I understand. If the food culture isn't advanced, they won't have the knowledge to prepare certain foods. I've always been an earthenware pot person, so I know how much water I need to add. While I don't have a pot right now, I can make it with earth magic later. It's decided! I'll buy some rice, I mean, Gliano!

"Onee-san, I want this please."

It's important to be careful when addressing women.

"Sure, is this everything?"

I bought salt, pepper, consommé, and various other things. It's quite a lot.

"Yes. How much is it?"

"Right. Let's see... I'll charge you 1000 lithia for now."

Ooh! It's around 2,000 yen!

"Is that okay?"

"You're the only young girl I know who buys this stuff."

Seems like people will buy the salt and pepper but ignore the other spices. I wonder why they kept the others here.

"Then who buys the spices?"

"The adventurers. They use them to blind monsters or something."

R- really... it'll certainly hurt if it got in my eyes I guess.

"So, can I pay with a card?"

"Yes, place it here."

I placed my card onto a crystal similar to the one from the grocery store and paid. Then, I put everything into my inventory. The obaa-san was a bit surprised at first, but she quickly gained her composure without a word. Merchant spirit, I suppose.

"Thank you very much"

"Please come again"

The obaa-san sent me off while waving her hand. What a nice person!

"So, what are you going to do with all the spices you bought?"

"I'm using it for cooking."

"Those spices?! For cooking??!!"

You're quite surprised. Should I just say, "This is edible!"?

"You'll see, so just try to look forward to it please."

"R- right (But can Marina really cook? ... the soup served in her cave was delicious though)"

She just questioned my ability to cook... well what can I do? We have different cultures after all.

"Ah, where can I buy gliano?"

"Gliano? You mean the horse feed?"

"Yes, that's it"

"I... what are you using it for?"

"It's a secret."

She was so surprised to learn that I use spices in cooking, so it's better to keep quiet for now.  I'll tell them after we finish eating and ask if it's delicious.

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