27. Domino, Jackson

Start from the beginning

"I think so? Are those the days mom randomly makes us a cake, while crying?" Jace tries to remember.

"Yeah. Well the reason that we're all mad at each other is because they think that that person was killed. She is our sister, so I was really mad that they got her killed." Mark avoids looking at him, but studies the floor.

"Wait what?" his confusion grows stronger.

"Well we have two sisters, Galaxy is older, she's 18. Rosie is 13, she was here when you were really little, but was sent away when you were 2." Mark tries to slow down.

"We have two sisters! And I didn't know about it!" Jace yells out pacing around the room.

Mark stands up too, "Jace, I need you to calm down, that isn't even the worst part."

Jace looks up scared, sitting down indicating that Mark should continue.

"So yesterday mom got a call saying that Galaxy was killed, she wasn't, but Mom and Dad don't know that."

"Is she dead or is she not?"

"She isn't, but I'm not going to tell them yet."

"Wait why not?"

"Well she ended up getting the school they were sent to shut down." Mark tries to avoid what actually happened.

"That's so cool! I can't wait to meet her!" Jace cheers, standing up again.

"Yeah she is really cool, and you get to meet her tonight. Her, Rosie, and their friends are meeting us at dinner tonight." Jace starts jumping up and down excitedly, but Mark needs him to stay calm, so his parents don't know what's happening. "Alright bud, I know you're excited, but I need you to keep calm. I want this to be a surprise for Mom and Dad."

Jace nods his head emphatically before running in excitement around the room again, when he sees the look Mark is sending him, but yells out, "I have to get this out now, or I'll be like this tonight. Where are we meeting them?"

"We're going out to Mom's favorite restaurant." Mark chuckles out at his energy.

"Oh then we should get ready! That place is super fancy!" Jace yells with excitement.

After the entire family is ready, Mark takes Jace in his own car, and the couple glares harshly at each other as they climb into the car. The entire ride there Jace is jumping up and down in his seat with Mark glancing worriedly at him every few seconds.

He manages to arrive before his parents do, and walks in quickly hoping to get into the room before his parents do. When they are shown into the room, he sees Galaxy glance up quickly with the two beside her instantly grabbing her arms and moving the knives in front of her away.

Jace instantly waves his hand, "Hi! I'm Jace!"

Rosie smiles at the little boy in front of her, "Wow! You've grown up so much since I last saw you! You had barely started talking when I left! I'm Rosie." She has almost as much excitement as Jace does.

He runs up to her, jumping into her arms, "I forgot about you, but I'm glad that I get to see you again." he snuggles into her shoulder sadly. "So who's my other sister?"

Galaxy raises her hand shyly, "I am. My name's Galaxy." Jace nods his head at her, but refuses to leave Rosie's arm. "Hey don't I get a hug?" she pouts.

Jace shakes his head, "No, you're a ghost or something. Mark said you're dead."

"No, I'm not a ghost," Galaxy laughs. Everyone else in the room burst out laughing at her denial, but Jace jumps out of Rosie's arms and into Galaxy's.

When he lands into her arms he gasps, "You aren't a Ghost." making everyone laugh loudly again.

The group freezes as the door suddenly slams open, "Mark! Why were you driving so fast?' Jackson yells as he enters the room, his face bright red, but at all the girls in the room he becomes extremely confused.

Domino walks in slapping the back of her husband's head, "Stop yelling other people are talking outside." When she looks at the people in the room her eyes land on Galaxy trembling in her chair with Jace still sitting on her lap.

"Domino, Jackson, long time no see." Galaxy uses her calmest voice making her friends glance worriedly at her. They've heard moments like this before and it has never ended without bloodshed. Jace senses her tenseness and realizes why his brother had been so worried before, so he throws his arms around her neck trying to comfort her.

"Who the hell are you!?" Jackson yells into the room, not recognizing the girl he sent away 13 years ago.

Domino glances worriedly at her husband, but rushes out in a whisper, "Galaxy, is that really you?"

Jackson's face pales at the thought of how his daughter just met him for the first time and this is what she will remember of him.

Galaxy scoffs at both of them, "Of course it's me. Who else would it be?"

Jackson glares at her seriously, "Well, you could have been one of Mark's whores." Still refusing to believe that his daughter is in front of him.

Galaxy bursts out laughing hard at her sperm donor's comment. "You really don't know your son at all do you?" she turns serious in a second glaring straight into his eyes. "You really were one the cruelest parents to ever send their daughters to that school. They at least only read the contract before sending them there, you saw the effects it had on Domino here, yet you still willingly sent us there."

Jackson bows his head at the truth in her statement. "I could never apologize enough. I just hope that you will forgive us one day, even though we don't deserve it."

Galaxy waves her hand at the man in front of her, "You are right, you don't deserve my forgiveness, nor will you receive it. No matter, no one can ever be sent to that school again."

Domino looks at her in shock, "You mean to tell me you not only survived, but you took the whole school down?"

Galaxy nods her head before glancing at the boy on her lap, trying to keep him as in the dark as much as possible. The others notice her glance and recognize her point. "Well I'm starving, so sit down and let's eat." She commands the group, who move to do as she says as quickly as they can. At their obedience, Galaxy smirks, knowing she has full control over the family already despite her sudden arrival.

The rest of the dinner, Galaxy's group avoids talking with her parents and focuses more on her siblings. The siblings do their best to get to know each other better, while avoiding any gruesome subjects for Jace's sake. They manage to have a slightly enjoyable evening before Galaxy stands to address her parents, "From tonight on Rosie, Stacy, Thea, Ruby, and I are moving into the mansion. The others are going to stay at my place." The couple are shocked at her announcement, but do not say anything.

"Alright, girls you brought your stuff right?" Galaxy asks the 13 year olds, continuing at their nods. "Then we shall be on our way. We have had a long day and I want to make sure they get some sleep." Galaxy walks away with everyone right on her tail. They leave Jackson to pay for the meal and drive away racing each other.

Once they reach the family mansion, Mark shows each girl to their rooms, and they sleep uneasily waiting for the other shoe to drop on them.

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