Chapter 19 : Final Battle

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Xavier was going to be reunited with his dead daughter. I'm sick and tired of letting him go every time, allowing him to keep abusing me mentally. Today he's going to meet his creator.

"Qualcuno ha il mio fottuto AK47" I yelled taking off the shoes I was wearing and throwing them in a random direction without a care in the world.

(Someone get my fucking Ak47).

I heard something flying from behind which I assumed was the gun I asked for. Turning around catching the gun in time to see that Xavier's pathetic men were coming towards me. I didn't even waste time shooting at them, seeing their bodies drop one by one was so satisfying.

I quickly cleared the area near the pool knowing how big the mansion was, I need to clear each area but one gun isn't going to be enough. I started running towards the secret weapon shed which looks like a shed for pool equipment. After a few men of Xavier's tried coming to kill me but unfortunately they crossed me on the wrong day.

Pushing the door open to see pool stuff until I pressed the black button which opened a wall to my secret weapons. I quickly took two pistols, two machines guns, 4 grenades and a remote which is connected to a bomb waiting at the gate of the house.

After making sure that I returned the shed to it's original look, I headed towards the house because of the huge commotion I was hearing.

Arriving at the main door to see it open, bodies of the American men were laying on my once pure white marble floor. I quickly started climbing the stairs to see that they were trying to reach my room, without a thought I grabbed a grenade. Pull the pin and threw it towards the second since the Americans who were guarding it hadn't noticed me.

I started shooting at them since some of them wouldn't be in the range of the explosion. Before they could even register the explosion of a tiny thing blowing up their best men, I had already started shooting at them with my machine gun. I hope they enjoy hell, checking the kids rooms to find nothing meant one thing only that Xavier remembered that every house I own had a huge safe room behind my closet. Shit! I started running as fast I could up the stairs trying to reach the third floor.

I didn't try seeing who was ahead of me, as long as they weren't wearing black or white. They don't belong to my Mafia so I opened fire on them. No one is going to take my children away from.

After killing what seemed like 20 men at once and getting shot in the leg I finally reached my bedroom door to find 3 of my guards dead on the floor.

Rushing into my closet I saw that the shoe closet was roughly forced to be open. I quickly rushed to behind the shoe closet which had a open door leading to hallway which was long though it gave me enough time to reach them before they find everyone else.

I threw the machin gun I was using on the floor since it was out of ammo, I grabbed the other gun. It's about to rain bullets on this bitches, I immediately started shooting the moment I saw people wearing red.

Killing always used to seem so evil and malicious. The old me would have never killed a innocent child or anyone for the matter but Xavier destroyed her more than once. He caused me to be this monster after toying with my emotions, mental state and children but most importantly my Mafias. I worked to hard to be a ruthless Donna for him to think that he could take everything away from me.

After killing what seemed like 50 men and woman, I headed to where I heard Xavier's stupid ass voice.

I saw him aiming at my pregnant best friend, I quickly and quietly came up behind him.

"Drop the fucking gun, you pathetic moron" I said placing the gun on the back of his neck.

Suddenly five of his women appeared out of nowhere and aimed their guns at me.

"I finally outsmarted you. Drop the fucking gun and give up" he said turning towards me and smirking.

Let's just play along with him. I dropped my weapons gently and backed up.

"Good girl, give me Anastasia and our children" he said.

"Okay but I want to say one last thing. Τριαντάφυλλο, τράπεζες, Μελίσσα, Λουκιάνο και Βικτώρια. Ξερεις τι να κανεις" I said smirking.

(Rose, Banks, Melissa, Luciano and Victoria. You know what to do).

"You are honestly such a pathetic woman. You're only good for making useful children, you are the worst woman I have ever been. I couldn't wait to kill you but you somehow outsmarted me but now I got you back. I can't wait to raise our children with Anastasia, you're going to be dead. Burning in hell, you evil, malicious woman. I would never love someone so broken and utterly worthless like you "he said while staring into my lifeless eyes.

His women were to focused on me and didn't notice. Melissa, Victoria, Luciano, Banks and Rose getting out pistols. They immediately shot the stupid women who honestly seemed like Xavier's concubines. Banks was now holding a gun towards his own father.

"You will never outsmart me. I'm Mallory Lyn Night. You're honestly so fucking stupid" I said going towards him.

I waited for my reinforcements to find us in the safe room and helped the woman and children get out.

"Qualcuno prende questo idiota per la tortura presso la sede centrale. Avvisa il Consiglio della mafia che ora possedere la mafia americana" I yelled handing Xavier to one of my men.

(Someone take this idiot to the torture at the headquarters. Notify the Mafia council that I now own the American Mafia).

Never cross a scorned woman with a powerful thirst for vengeance......

Thanks for 800 reads. I have officially posted Queen Luna Mulani's first chapter. Here's the link or you can find it on my profile and in my bio.....

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