Chapter 43: She's amazing

Start from the beginning

I wish I could stop by to chill with her today, but I had to go over to Victoria's place and mingle with her folks.


|a couple months later|


Justin took my hand as we were lead inside the royal palace by the guards.

His hand was soft yet firm at the same time and he held mine kind of loosely.

In the couple months we've been together I kind of noticed a change in him.

He'd always be zoning out in everything. If we're having a conversation, I'd sometimes have to snap him out of something. He smiles, but it doesn't really reach his eyes.

I'd ask him what was wrong, but he'd quickly dismiss that there's anything wrong with him.

He becomes very uninterested in many things, and now he's even more quiet than he usually is.

But apart from that, I enjoy my time with him. He's such a gentleman and very romantic too. I had to be grateful. I've always wanted us to be together, and now we are.

My parents and his too are very thrilled and excited about us. And what makes things even better is that we have support from our country. Everything was Just so perfect.

"Ah, the love birds are here." King Jeremy said with a big smile on his face.

He and the king were seated in front of us and justin and I sat on the opposite side. Jazmine and Jaxon also joined us at the dining table.

I absolutely loved his Parents and siblings. They made me feel like part of the family.

I was kind of stiff on Prince Jaxon though. He always looked at me smugly like he knew something I didn't. I asked Justin about it, but he said jaxon was just being annoying.

We all engaged in mini conversations until the queen wanted to speak up.

"Aren't they just perfect? Ehm Justin," she called out.

Justin looked up.

"When are you going to stop stalling and give your lady a ring?" She asked making the table shake in laughter.

I wasn't laughing though, I was kind of curious.

Justin looked very nervous and he looked at me. "Its too soon, mum." He said.

"Nonsense, the way you two look at each other, it should've happened already." Jaxon spoke up, smirking at Justin.

"Jaxon, you know so much about love. Why haven't you found a girlfriend yet?" Jazmine asked her brother.

"I'm still trying to find the one." He said making everyone roll their eyes.

"We are all waiting, Justin. Victoria, I just can't wait to call you my Daughter in law." The Queen smiled at me.


"Justin, your room could really use a woman's touch." I laughed looking around.

"Its not that bad." He chuckled.

After dinner, we decided to settle in his room and just watch Television.

We were currently on one of the couches watching a replay of his interview.

I blushed during the whole show. He was talking about how much I meant to him and that we were official and he knew for a fact that he was in love with me.

The last part kind of confused me because he never said it to me before and all of a sudden I'm finally hearing it from him.

"I thought you were camera shy, Justin." I laughed.

"I was just feeling a little more brave. I mustered up the courage to say it live. " he chuckled back.

"Well then I love you Justin." I said looking up at him. "I want to hear you say it too."

"I love you, Victoria."

My heart was literally fluttering when he said that. Those words meant everything to me.

I leaned in and kissed him. He was hesitant at first like usual which I didn't quite understand. If he claims he's in love with me, why is he holding back?

The kiss was very slow paced unlike how I wanted. I wanted a little more out of him.

"You don't have to hold back, Justin." I said before moving my lips to his jaw.

Justin immediately put his hands on my waist firmly. "Wait, Victoria." He breathed out.

I didn't listen to him though. I continued to kiss up and down his neck.

"Listen-" he said before his btrathing slightly hitched.

"Justin, come on.." I whispered in his ear.

Justin flipped us over so he was on top. "Stop."

I looked into his eyes and knew he was being very serious.

I huffed. "Justin-"

"Victoria, im just not ready for that. You're rushing in to things too fast." He said pacing up and down.

I was very bothered by the fact I was willing to give myself to him and he rejected me. He said I was rushing in to things too fast but I had a feeling that wasnt really the real excuse.

I fixed myself up and sat there, thinking. Thinking and putting things together. As much as it killed me to say this, I had to stop bring in denial. Justin didnt like me at all. Not at all.

From the fake smiles and emotions, to the way he looks at me. It never held the same glow or excitement it did when he was with Iman. Just thinking about the way he was happy with her didn't bring me joy not one bit.

He was still in love with her.

And I absolutely hated it. All this time he was still thinking of her while we were together.

I knew he didn't feel the same way I did for him, but I was so blinded to see that.

I should have seen everything coming. Even small things like hugging, or holding hands always bothered him. Justin didn't have to tell me, I could just tell by his body language.

I was upset, I was angry, but most of all, I felt used. But used for what? I didnt want to sit around and wait for this to become worse.

Or better yet, him missing Iman.

Iman was ruining every chance and opoertunity I could have justin to myself and someone had to be informed.

I was not losing Justin.


Sorry that this chapter was short. I have to wake up early tomorrow and I really wanted you all to have this chapter before I clocked out...

I might add More to this later but for now, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I also changed the picture of what Victoria looks like so if you must, go to Chapter 16 to see her.

Also BizzlexCocaine made a story that was inspired by this one. Its called "Royals" please check it out :)

And isn't Jaxon just bae?

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