"Well, that wasn't so bad, let's meet another prince," Ruby says as she looks around two meet another prince. Ruby stops mid-track when she sees a prince walk up to her as he holds a red rose. Ruby can tell this prince is exactly like the flirtatious Jimin from her world. "Princess, I may not yet have the throne, but I'm sure going to take you home," he says as the girls behind him sigh lovingly.

Ruby tries not to burst out laughing, hearing him say that. "Prince Jimin," Ruby smirks, folding her arms. "My beloved Princess Ruby, as beautiful as ever," he bows. "His highness, Prince Jimin Park of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom," Chip whispers in Ruby's ear. He looks back at Ruby, giving the rose to Ruby. "I'm the prince most fitting of a rose like you. But never mind that, we both know you're looking for a dance partner you should've accepted when I asked you before." His expression changes from a happy mood to a sad expression.

"Then you wouldn't need to look for one now," he said, now with an angry face. "I apologize for my anger management, but please let me know if you change your mind. Adieu, for now, princess," he bows and walks away to flirt with other princesses. "He needs to chill out," Ruby said. "Prince Jimin was rejected by the real princess once before. Since then, he kept on trying but he's yet to be successful." 

Ruby walked along as she looks for another prince to meet, but she has collided with a prince who seems to be in a bit of a hurry. "Hey, watch where you're going!" The prince yells out. "I'm sorry," she saddens. The prince's angry expression calms down when he realizes it was Ruby. "I should be the one to apologize," he said as he politely bows down and quickly walks away.

"Are you okay?" Chip asks, making sure Ruby wasn't hurt. "I'm fine, but that prince looks like my childhood friend, Yoongi, from my world," Ruby said. "That would be his highness, Prince Yoongi Min of the Iris Kingdom," Chip introduces. "He seems to be like that sometimes, all rude and mean, but I know he's got a kind heart," Chip says.

Ruby continues to look around when she spots a lonely prince standing in a corner, far away from the crowd. "He looks like Taehyung from my world," Ruby said. "Correct, his highness, Prince Taehyung Kim of the Magnolia Empire Kingdom," Chip whispers. "Hey, why don't you come out from that corner and we can get to know each other?" Ruby asked.

"Why do you want to talk with me?" "Well, because I would like to meet new friends," Ruby joyfully smiles. "Hmm, you're a strange one, aren't you?" The prince quirks his eyebrow. "I can be sometimes," Ruby shrugs. "Indeed," he says and bows down t Ruby before he takes his leave. "He could've been a bit friendlier," Ruby huffs.

"He may not be good with meeting new people, but he's an excellent prince with high standards and has an intelligent mind," Chip speaks. "Wait, what's going on over there? There's a crowd!" Ruby exclaims. Ruby walks over to spot a handsome-looking prince surrounded by many young girls and women.

"He looks like Seokjin," Ruby whispers to herself. "That would be, his highness, Prince Seokjin Kim of the Republic of Rose Kingdom. He's quite popular among the princes here." "Prince Seokjin, let's go have a picnic down at the beach!" One of the princesses shouts which makes Ruby turn to see who it was. "No! Come with me to watch the opera!" The other princess shootouts.

"Those two would be the real princess' twin cousins, Rosie and Josie," Chip explains as she points towards the two loud princesses. "Those two will never stop obsessing over Prince Seokjin," Chip sighs. "Go talk to him, maybe this might be your chance to make new friends," Chip ushers Ruby. "Uh-, nice to meet you, Prince Seokjin!" Prince Seokjin sees Ruby snd instantly greets her as well.

"Nice to meet you as well, Princess Ruby," he says as he bows down. "This may be a little sudden, but will you be my dance partner?" Ruby shyly asks. But the prince could not hear a thing because all the princesses are speaking loudly to get the prince's attention. "What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you. Could you say that again?"

"Hey, Ruby!" Ruby hears the two princesses call her name loudly. "Just because you're going to become queen here, that doesn't mean you're going to choose Prince Seokjin," Rosie huffs. "Yeah, either way, he's with Princess Juliana!" Ruby never thought Prince Seokjin would be with Princess Juliana, just like the Seokjin and Juliana from her world.

The princesses drag the poor prince away. "Even if the prince was with Princess Juliana, why would those two still stick around and both that poor prince when there's a lot of princes here," Chip argues. "Never mind that, I think I'm getting a bit worked up here. Look! There's a garden outside." 

Ruby heads out to the castle's garden. Ruby finds Prince Hoseok talking to another prince. "Hey, guys, what are you up to?" Ruby interrupts their small talk. "Hey Ruby, I guess he found some rare flower or something," Prince Hoseok said. "It's a malkid flower, I found it while I was on my way to the castle," the prince speaks.

"The malkid is a flower that only grows in this region." "Oh really?" Ruby asks. "How are you not bored with this? I'm leaving," Prince Hoseok yawns as he heads back inside the ballroom. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Ruby. I am Prince Namjoon Kim of the Daisy Kingdom," Prince Namjoon introduces himself.

"Oh, nice to meet you as well, Prince Namjoon, I am Princess Ruby," Ruby introduces back. Realization struck her when she notices that Prince Namjoon looks like Namjoon from her world. "You very much love to learn different kinds of flowers," Ruby smiles, thinking about the Namjoon from her world.

"I sure do. What kind of flowers do you like, Ruby?" He asks. "Me? Oh, I love lilies," Ruby smiles. "Really? I love lilies too! Then I'll give to I've you a pretty lily the next time I see you." "Oh thank you, you seem to be a nice guy," she compliments him. Although Ruby has the chance to ask Namjoon to be her dance partner, she would like to get to know him better and decides not to ask just yet.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Prince Namjoon, but I must go back inside," Ruby says as she stands up from the bench. "It was nice talking to you, Ruby!" He waves. 

The dinner party comes to a close ending. "I'm getting tired," Ruby says, uncomfortably fixing her dress. "All attendees! I would like to thank you all for coming in to celebrate my daughter's future reign. I hoped all the princes have met my daughter and hoped to get along well. Let us end the royal dinner party with a special performance by Prince Seokjin of the Republic of Rose Kingdom and Princess Juliana Abram of the Tulip Kingdom!"

The ballroom filled with loud clapping as Prince Seokjin guides Princess Juliana to the dance floor and the music from the orchestra began to play softly. Ruby admired the way Princess Juliana was feeling the moment with Prince Seokjin. She couldn't believe she would dance just like them at the ball.

She wondered, how hard can it be?...

To Be Continued...


2,088 Words

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