Chapter 19: The day after

Start from the beginning

"I heard you." You said with a low voice. "I read your mind that night, by accident. I promise I only heard one thing but..."

"What did you hear?"

"'What am I doing?' and suddenly all kinds of thoughts came into my mind."

Loki suddenly grabbed your hand in his and placed his hand on your chin moving your head to face him. Then he put the right string of hair that war loose and put it behind your ear. He gave you a sweet smile and looked into your eyes.

"Well it's bad that you didn't hear the rest of it. Because if you had you would know that it wasn't that I didn't have feelings for you it was just...that I was scared you didn't feel the same. But after I almost lost you..." Loki's voice started to fade away.

"I know." You gently put your hand on his cheek and smiled. "And you shouldn't be thinking like that. You are a great person, funny and very handsome." You both laughed and gazed at eachother's eyes for a few seconds.

"Wait." Loki suddenly said. "How did you get into my mind?"

"I don't know. I guess your guard fell for a second and I was quite drunk to control my powers so..."

You looked at him for a second before you finished you sentence. Since you had been cured from whatever it was you had and Frigga had opened that locked door in your mind you felt so much more powerful. You felt you had better control over your powers than ever and you could use them so much easier.

So after all this and the conversation you were currently having with you Loki it was only natural that you thought about what you thought next.

What if you could get into his mind now?

There was no point in just wondering what if. You had to find out for yourself. You looked Loki deep into his eyes with a very focused look on your face. You frowned and focused completely on getting into Loki's mind. And then, suddenly, you heard his voice, clear as if he was talking in you head.

'What is she doing?'

'She is into your head.' You answered him.

Loki looked at you with his eyes wide open. His mouth had dropped open and he had no words to say. You on the other hand had a huge smile on your face and wouldn't bother hide your proudness.

"How-" Loki started, out loud this time.

"I don't know. Since your mother unlocked that door and I unlisted all that power I feel so much stronger. I didn't even have to try that hard to get into your head."

Loki didn't say anything, he just smiled and gazed into your eyes. You immediately returned the gaze with a smile.

"Hey, lovebirds. Come in already." Sif suddenly appeared out of nowhere. You and Loki both laughed and followed her inside.

There you were greeted back by Frigga who immediate came to you and asked if you were okay. After you reassured her that everything was fine the feast continued. You spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing with Loki and it was better than you had imagined it. When the music was finally over, everyone started going to their rooms. Loki insisted on escorting you and you didn't objected.

You arrived in front of your bedroom door and you turned around to face Loki. He was already looking deep into your eyes. He took a step closer to you and leaned so his lips could touch yours. He was quite a lot taller that you so you had to stand on your toes to meet him halfway, but once your lips touched nothing mattered. You still couldn't believe this was real but then again your mind could never make all this up.

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