(I) Chapter 12: Pushing Buttons

Start from the beginning

But despite her continued efforts to deny its existence, the brand remained upon her flesh, a constant reminder of what she was destined for.

After rubbing the phantom tingle from the mark on her chest, she quickly realized that the letter must have come from Jack Belinksaya.

She opened it to discover that he had written it in code – and thankfully, his memories were still fresh enough in her mind so she was able to decipher what little was on the page. It read –


Forgive me for using such a primeval mode of contact, but I fear the usual technological means are unavailable to me at this time. Particularly since a prominent member of Augustine's council was 'mysteriously' murdered a few days ago.

I wish to speak with you concerning the details of your upcoming interview with my brother, Niklaus. He is eager to meet with you next, but I am selfish and would like to deliver the formal invitation myself. Please meet me near the old Halászbástya within the hour. Don't fret about the rest. I will find you.

Yours most sincerely,


Frankie couldn't help but smile as she refolded the letter and quickly hid it within one of the books on the bookshelf before grabbing her jacket and heading back outside.


It didn't take her long to find Jack in the designated meeting place, though he was dressed rather nondescript, keeping to the shadows. His smile was warm.

"Francesca! Prompt as usual," he said, making it a point to keep his voice quiet, even as he held out his hand expectantly toward her. She offered her own in return and he immediately brought it to his lips to kiss it. "I am relieved you were able to decipher my note."

"I suppose having possession of your memories has its advantages," and she returned his smile.

"Do you mind if we venture further down this way? I want to make sure no one overhears our discussion."

"Of course," and she permitted him to take her arm and lead her onto one of terraces that had been long since overrun by thick foliage – an excellent place to go unnoticed.

"I heard from a reliable source that you didn't take well to absorbing my memories like you said you would," and he sent her a censorious look. "You really ought to take better care of yourself. I knew I should have listened to my instincts and contacted your brother."

"Don't blame yourself," she replied gently. "I wasn't expecting that kind of reaction and now that I know what to anticipate, I can better prepare myself. There is no need to trouble yourself on my behalf. I can assure you that it won't happen again."

"What exactly did happen?" he asked. "My contact briefly mentioned the occurrence but was unable to provide details."

"Your contact?"

"I have eyes all over the city," he explained, that charming smile of his still present. "Just a precaution – nothing too serious. We... well, I just want to make sure you stay safe." But the disapproving look on her face remained and his expression turned apologetic. "I'm sorry. Old habits – being a Dracul. I should have asked for your permission first."

"I appreciate your concern on my behalf. Truly, I do. But I don't particularly care for being spied on."

"And I completely understand. I hope you can forgive me?"

She only nodded.

"And I hope this doesn't make things awkward or unpleasant between us?"

"I'm not angry with you, if that's what you're wondering."

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