The end

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Yeah so I'm gonna end the story where it is. I need to get over her and writing about it isn't gonna help. I'm not gonna take down the book because it took lots of courage to write this. But I have the people I need. Annie, Andy, Parker, Mark, Poppy and Julia thank you to all of you for being there for me. I may not be able to get over yet but this is one step in the right way. Someone very wise said, People come and go. And I never wanted to believe that but it happens and it will happen. Maybe we might say hi when we are older but for now I need to get over it. I may cry every night because I've never had someone like her but I will find someone one day. First love is hard to forget but I'm not gonna forget I'm going to forgive. I can't believe I was ever gonna do this but sure these people have hurt me but I forgive them, everyone makes mistakes we are all human and it happens and I hope they have a wonderful life. They know who the are. But this is the end of my story and onto a new story with new people! 

... this felt good to write. 

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