Nothing from Tom. Guess this is for real.

You placed the phone back on the nightstand. The little message telling you to charge your phone popped up while reading Harry's message, but you ignored it. If it dies, it dies. Nothing mattered right now.

You pulled the comforter over your head to block out the light pouring in your room. You just wanted it to go away.

"Hey love, can you pass me my keys? I'm late to work." You turned around to see Tom dressed up in a suit. He had a black briefcase and his phone in his hands. This wasn't his normal attire, but there were no complaints.

"Here you go. Have a good day. I love you." You quickly kissed Tom before watching him walk out the door.

A baby's cry startled you. You and Tom didn't have kids. You weren't even marri- You looked down to see a ring on your left ring finger. Awe we got married. The cry came back making you jump back to reality. You slowly walked up the stairs of your and Tom's suburban home. You followed the noise until you came upon a baby's room. It was painted blue with white clouds. White carpet filled the floor. Nothing else was in the room but a crib sitting in the middle. As you walked closer, a baby boy with brown eyes was staring straight up at you. He started smiling and laughing. You picked him up and started bouncing him around the room. You were singing lullabies to try and make him fall back asleep.

"What are you doing here?" A girl's voice called out from behind you.

You twirled around to see Olivia standing in the doorway. The baby disappeared from your arms. As you looked around the room in search for the missing child, you realized the room was no longer blue and bright. It had turned into torn, ugly, dark wallpaper. The floor turned into rotting wood. The baby's crib was gone.

"Where's my baby?"

"You don't have a baby."

"He was just right here. Where did he go?" Panic filled your body.

"Who do you think you had a baby with?"

"Tom. My husband."

Olivia raised her eyebrows and moved her eyes down to your left hand. You followed her gaze to see the wedding band now had disappeared.

"No. What did you do?"

Olivia started laughing. "Me? I didn't do anything cupcake. You were the one who lost him. He's mine, we're a family now. We don't need you in the picture."

She pushed you back making you fall backwards onto the floor. When you looked back up, Tom had his arm wrapped around her waist and she was holding your baby. You tried to say something but it was like your vocal chords had been ripped out. You tried to stand but an invisible force held you down. Tom and Olivia started laughing at you. When you felt like you had the strength to overcome the unseeable force, the rotted floor gave out and you fell story after story.

The feeling of falling jolted you awake. The realization of having an awful dream made you throw your pillow across the room. It ended up hitting a vase and knocking it over. The sound of glass breaking must've startled Andi because she came running into your room.

"Are you okay?" She looked over at the broken glass scattered across the floor. "Stay right there, I'm going to go get the broom."

"No I got it."

Andi watched you get out of bed for the first time today. Her watchful gaze starting to get on your nerves. You didn't need a babysitter. You're fine.

Say You'll Stay | Tom HollandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang