The Date~ Sophie

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As soon as Keefe left Sophie ran up to her room and immediately hailed Biana to ask her if she could help Sophie get ready for her date with Keefe. Biana said she would be on her way and hang up abruptly. Sophie sighed and ran downstairs to let Biana inside. As soon as she got down the stairs she heard a knock at the door. Sophie opened the door and she immediately got pulled upstairs by Biana very harshly. "When is he coming to pick you up!?" Biana said excitedly. "He is picking me up at 7," Sophie said. "Well then we better get started!" Biana said eagerly. 

Sophie's outfit-

About five minutes after Biana got done the doorbell ringed once more

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About five minutes after Biana got done the doorbell ringed once more. Apparently it had been 3 hours! Sophie ran down the stairs (surprisingly not tripping). When she got down the stairs she opened the door, Keefe immediately hugged her and said hello. Keefe would not tell her where they were going and Sophie was getting anxious. Once Keefe had Sophie calmed down and convinced her to trust that he knows what he was doing Keefe lifted up his crystal and they leaped away.

Once they were there Sophie looked around and saw a beautiful lake and a picnic basket and a red and white checkerboard blanket. "It's so beautiful, thank you Keefe!" Sophie said with a wide smile. "I'm so glad you like it! I was so worried that you would want to go to like a fancy restaurant or something." Keefe said giving Sophie a big hug. "If you had taken me to a fancy restaurant I would've freaked out, you know how I feel about crowds!" Sophie said gratefully.

They sat down and started to eat. "Keefe! You only packed sweets!" Sophie said kind of annoyed. "And you love it! Just like you love me!" Keefe said smirking. Sophie blushed and and changed the subject saying, "Let's eat!". Keefe nodded and said "ok, fine...." Keefe had packed mallowmelt, butterblasts, ripplefluffs, and some cinnacream. They ate and ate until they they could not eat anymore. After they were full Keefe helped Sophie into a beautiful boat and they set off onto the lake. 

In the middle of the lake there was a small island and on that island there was a beautiful pale pink tent with a couch inside. When they got to the small island they walked over to the tent and sat down on the couch. (Apparently there was a TV in the tent too) They turned on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. By the time the movie was over it was about 10:30 pm. Sophie hadn't realized how late it had gotten and Grady and Edaline were out for a few hours and were supposed to be back by 10 o'clock. Sophie hadn't told Grady about her date with Keefe oh no.........

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