The Breakup

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Sophie had been dating Fitz for about a month now.  They were happy, well Fitz was anyways.  Sophie had always liked Fitz better as just a friend she had realized when they went on there first date.  Something had just, whenever they kissed it felt dull.  The same way it felt with Dex.  Sophie wanted to break up with him so bad, but she was scared of what Fitz would do.  His anger had gotten worse, whenever Sophie went to Everglen she always found broken vases.  Fitz had said that his anger was getting better, but to Sophie it looked like they were getting worse, and Sophie needed to do something about it.

Later that day Sophie went to Everglen, she was going to talk to Fitz about his anger.  When she got there she went to Fitz's room and knocked on the door.  Sophie was horrified by what she saw everything was either broken or shredded.  She went over to Fitz and told him they need to talk, they sat down of Fitz's shredded bed.  "Fitz your anger is getting out of control, and we need to do something about it," Sophie said calmly.  "I WOULDN'T NEED HELP WITH MY ANGER IF YOU LET ME KILL ALVAR!" Fitz shouted.  "Fitz just because he made the wrong decisions doesn't mean he should die!" Sophie shouted back.  "You don't get to decide that!" Fitz yelled. "YOU KNOW WHAT!?! WE ARE DONE!" Fitz shouted.  

Sophie ran to the gates, levitating she split open a crack in the void.  She went to the place she used to call home, but when she got there someone was already waiting.  When she dropped down she was immediately trapped in a force field.  "Oh no," Sophie thought.  Lady Gisela stepped forward and said "Bring me my son." "NO! YOU WILL NOT HURT HIM!" Sophie shouted.  "If you do not bring him to me you will die," Lady Gisela said.  "I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN GIVE YOU KEEFE!" Sophie shouted.  "So that's how this is going to go? So be it."  lady Gisela said with a laugh.

When Love Lasts~ a Sokeefe storyWhere stories live. Discover now