The Time Has Come

Start from the beginning

"Is that all?" Jordi asked.

No. Also, I'm completely in love with you. "No, uhh, I mean yeah that's it. And by the way, you have horrible taste in music."

Her mouth fell open. "You have horrible taste in music! What's so bad about One Direction?"

"Where do I start?" I pondered. "They can't sing, their songs are shit and isn't it like illegal for all the members of a band to be gay?"

Before I knew what was coming to me, I was slapped across the face.

She looked pissed. "Come with me."

Stupidly, I followed her. We were in her room. I had no time to think. She pushed me into a chair and tied me to it. "What the actual fuck, Jordi? I know I'm irresistible but is this really necessary?"

She was struggling to tie a knot then she got it. "Now is not the time to be cocky."

She moved away from me and went into her closet. She returned with her iPod in hand. She put the ear buds in my ear and told me to listen. "It's not like I have a choice."

"If you make noise, I'm taping your mouth."

"I pretty sure this is illegal." I told her.

A song that I regretfully knew, was playing. Honestly, I could get out of this contraption anytime I wanted but I didn't want to burst her bubble- she looked so hopeful, waiting for me to admit I like One Direction. I literally felt my heart swell.

What am I saying? I'm turning into one of those people and surprisingly enough, I didn't give a fuck. About twenty minutes later, Donna decided to return home from whatever the hell she was doing. "Is this what it looks like?"

Jordi looked surprised. "Well, if it looks like I tied Nylon up and I'm forcing him to listen to music then yes, it is what it looks like."

"You enjoying that, Nylon?" she asked me. I pretended I couldn't hear her over the music. I wanted to laugh and say, "More than you know."

I admit that One Direction isn't bad but I still wasn't really into them. They just weren't my cup of tea. I enjoyed sitting here though with Jordi. It was sort of peaceful, until Donna came, of course.

Donna shrugged and said, "Guess he can't hear me."

She sat next to Jordi and I looked off into the distance so she wouldn't think I was listening to her.

"Jordi, please come out with me tonight. We'll find you a perfect guy."

Jordi looked at Donna and replied, "Donna, I thought we talked about this! I told you I'm fine."

Smart girl. Say no. Who knows what kind of weirdos there are out there! Then again, I might be biased... against myself.

Donna looked unconvinced. "Who is he?" she asked, eyeing Jordi suspiciously.

He? Who?

Jordi started to laugh nervously. "What are you talking about?"

"You can't even lie. Who is the guy you like."  

Jordi's eyes shifted to me. I looked away. Did she realise that  could hear everything they're saying?

"Did Jeremy say something to you?"

Now it was Donna's turn to laugh nervously. Wow. They are horrible liars! "What? No! Jeremy didn't say anything to me. What would he say to me?"

"What did he say to you?"

"Ok ok ok. He talked to me. He was pissed off because he said that he told you he loved you and you told him that you were in love with someone else. So, who is it?"

"I'm not in love with anyone. I told him that because I, uh, wanted to,"

"Wow. You are horrible under pressure. Please tell who it is! I'm your best friend."

She sighed heavily. Oh God! I don't think I want to hear this. I need to get out of here. "This music is shit!" I yelled and stalked off out of the room and went into my room. I threw on a t-shirt, grabbed my car keys and got in my car and drove. God, why am I such a pussy?

I drove around for awhile then I decided that I had to speak to someone. I parked my car around the corner and walked to Guy's house. He's a good friend of Jordi so I hoped that he would help me or something. the moving truck had arrived. I told Donna we could just carry our stuff in our cars but she insisted that we get a moving truck. What a waste. I knocked on the door and after the fourth knock, he opened the door.

His eyes widened. "What do you want?"

"I need your help and I'm desperate."

He looked at me suspiciously then said slowly, "Come in."

I walk in and sit down on the couch. "Cool place."

"So. what did you want help with exactly?"

"I've kind of got a thing for someone but I don't know how to to tell them."

"And you came to me for help because...?"

"Well, this girl is Jordi and you seem to know her well."

He looked down then back at me. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. Very."

"I swear if I help you and you break her heart, I will kill you."

I chuckled. "You couldn't if you tried."

A/N: Thank you soooo much for reading!!!!!!!!!! Love you guys!!!!!!

Since it's a new year I'm going to try to upload more regularly and stop being lazy so hopefully, that works out! :P

Dedicated to ALL OF YOU because you are all freaking awesome!!!!!! :)


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