Chapter 03

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Jisoo's POV

After we said our goodbyes, we drove our way home, while  driving Ally is in the backseat watching through her ipad, she's so engrossed in what she is watching, her eyebrows furrowed slightly and her chubby cheeks are exposed.

"Momma? Why are sharks afraid of dolphins?" she suddenly asks. Yes, she is so matured at her age, she preferred watching National Geographic and Animal planet rather than Disney and Nickelodeon.

It is literally my fault, she always sees me watching or reading about the things this earth has and she sits on my lap and wants me to read it for her too. As the days goes by she starts liking it more, then one day she told me that it is more interesting than answering the girl's question, she's wearing a purple shirt with a bag, and she asked the same question over and over again in nickelodeon channel.

"Because in dolphins' mind, when they see a shark, they think that the shark will eat them so they proceed to attack first, also as you can see their tail is not the same right?"

"Yes, momma! Sharks have vertical tails while the dolphins have horizontal one"

"That is right and that is one of the advantages of the dolphins. Because of their horizontal tails, they can move or swim easily with it, they can change ways quickly. Also dolphins are way faster than the sharks so when they see a shark coming towards them they will swim several meters below the shark and quickly swim upwards and slam their snout to the shark's soft stomach that causes internal trauma to the sharks. Do you know what is the other dolphin species that scares the white sharks?"

"Killer whales!" she said while her butt is jumping in her car seat symbolizing that she knows that her answer is correct, she is very confident like her mom (;>)

"Good job!" I praised her and asked for a fist bump "So? What does my baby want to have for dinner? because someone says to me that my baby is a good girl on her first day of school." I asked and saw her thinking in the rearview mirror. aww kyeo

"Chicken!" she shouts, she really is my daughter. "Good choice baby!" I shout too and that makes us both laugh.

After arriving home we took a bath first and I made some dinner. "Momma? Did you make friends?" Ally asked while munching her chicken legs.

"Uhm? Not yet baby but I met one of the members of blackvelvet and she is my seatmate" I said and I look at her and she is smiling and her eyes smile is emerging.

"Jinja??? you met my blackvelvet aunties?" She asked and that prompts me to laugh.

"Blackvelvet Aunties? really baby? I haven't met them yet properly and I don't think they will like me now that the whole school is after me" I said that make her sad.

Yes she knows everything, we can't keep secrets to ourselves because we only have each other and as possible I'll tell her everything especially that our life is not normal.

"You think they will like me, momma?" she asked and that makes me sad.

Everyone in our life hated us except my parents of course. They think that I'm just some prostitute that gets pregnant and doesn't know who the father is because they know I don't have a boyfriend to start with it, like duh! they don't even know what my story is and they conclude that I have Ally in just a fucking one night stand.

"They will like you, baby, oh no! they will love you," I said and kissed her forehead.

After we wash the dishes, we proceed to the living room to watch natural geographic of course.

After a series, I felt Ally's head fall backward landing on my chest, she was sitting on my lap. I chuckled because she almost fell if I'm not hugging her. I kiss her forehead and finish the series once more before I call it a night.

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