Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

On the way to somewhere, Jennie didn't feel any nervousness that every girl usually feels on their first date. She's trusting Jisoo with all her life and she feels that something will happen that will make this night special.

Inside the car, they're just sitting there, Jennie is looking outside the road while Jisoo is busy driving but their hands are still magnetized with each other. 

When Jisoo turned and entered a familiar subdivision Jennie immediately knew where this was. "Oh my gosh! you're living here?" she asked, looking at Jisoo. 

"Yeah why?" Jisoo asked to still focus on the road. 

"Irene and Seulgi Unnies house is located here." she informed her personal driver. 

"Really? they're living on the same roof?" Jisoo was shocked by the news.

"Yes, their parents bought it for them. Those two are born to be together because even though they're not a real couple, their parents will still get them into an arranged marriage." she explains. "Their house is on that street we passed by '' she pointed. 

"I'll talk to your parents too then. I'll force them to arrange a marriage with me" Jisoo said laughing, causing Jennie to laugh too. Jisoo is Jennie's happy pill. 

"I'll still marry you no matter what, silly" Jennie said but they both blushed when they realized that. 

Jisoo looked at her when she parked. "You're thinking about marrying me?" she asked as she held both of Jennie's hands. The blonde just looked at her lovingly. 

"I told you, I want to be part of your life and that means, I want to be with you as long as we live and that includes marriage" Jennie explains then she leaned to kiss Jisoo. 

A soft and sweet liplocking occurred but when heat started to develop around their body, the make out session happened. 

Jisoo unbuckles her seatbelt to lean more closer to Jennie. She pulled the girl close to her. Jennie opened her mouth lightly and Jisoo grabbed the opportunity to enter her tongue, and Jennie's tongue welcomed the others with so much passion. Their tongues fought for dominance and in the end Jisoo won, sending her to suck Jennie's sweet one. 

Jisoo pulled away when she felt Jennie needed air. She leaned her forehead towards the girl and kissed the tip of the blonde's nose. "That was hot" she complimented their unexpected make out session. "It is," Jennie said and left a peck on Jisoo's lips.

"Let's go now?" Jisoo asked as she unbuckled Jennie's seatbelt. The blonde looked outside and she noticed the biggest house among every house in that subdivision. 

"I never knew that there's a mansion inside this subdivision," She said. Jisoo giggles at her and leads them to that house. 

"Wait!? what??? that's your house!?" Jennie stops at her track when she sees where Jisoo is leading her. 

"Yeah" Jisoo said while giggling. She held Jennie's hand and pulled her to the gate. "How rich are you?" Jennie didn't know she asked that, causing Jisoo to laugh at her. 

"I told you, not rich as you guys" she said and stopped when they were already at the door. She calms herself first and looks at Jennie with her serious expression. 

"Jen, I told you that someone is waiting for us right?" she asked and Jennie just nodded at her, still curious why Jisoo turned serious in a split second. 

"And I want to hear your answer to my question when you finally meet her, okay?" Jisoo said, squeezing her hands. 

Jennie gets worried when Jisoo's bubbly eyes turn into sad one. She was about to ask what's wrong when Jisoo opens the door and leads her inside. And the strangest thing is she led her to the dining area. 

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