5. Avengers: Rise of the Dead

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I get a FaceTime call it's been 11 months since the auditions, and I'm on the bus coming home from school. I answer it "What?" I ask

"I don't know just wanted to call someone." Tom said through the phone.

"And you decide to FaceTime me while I'm on the bus." I ask impatiently

"Yup!" He says I roll my eyes.

"Hey Tom." Mily says peeking over the edge of the seat.

"Hey Mily ." He reply's. Mily basically met everyone already just through FaceTime.

Another kid that sits in the row next to us asks "who you talking too?"

"Oh umm I'm talking to a person names Tom Holland" her face drops in surprise "not the one that is famous" I say quickly.

Tom starts laughing, another person sits up straight "do I hear Tom Holland laughing?"

"I'm going to kill you Tom!" I whisper so that only Mily could hear.

"You aren't you love me." He says as I hang up.

""Did someone say Tom Holland?" Another girl in the back asked.

The girl that was sitting in the row next to me said "She was on the phone with a Tom Holland." She points at me.

"Mily I might have to kill him." I whisper, she laughs.

"She wasn't on the phone with Tom Holland, she was on..." she looks at me.

"I was on TikTok , and a Tom Holland video popped up." I say looking at the people who are looking at me which is like half the bus. 

"Yah right." Someone said in the back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask crossing my arms

"We all know you we're in the end credits of the Doctor Strange movie!" 

"Huh, I never knew." I look at Mily who Is moving to my seat. As she grabs her bag, I get a message from my friend Reese. I opened it up, it was not a paragraph it was more like a paragraph chopped up and sent at different times. "I just watched the doctor strange movie!"

"Reese now knows" I say as I look up at Mily who's looking down at her phone. I finished reading Reese's messages and replied with a thumbs up since I had no idea what to reply.

"My life's is going to be really different?" I ask as I look back up at Mily.

"Yup, but you have me. And don't forget I'm coming to set this summer." She smiles as she gives me that reminder.


"Lizzie!" I shout whisper so I wouldn't cause a lot of ruckus. I run to her and give her a big hug. "Your excited!" She says looking at me.

"Well I can officially kill Tom," I pause than look up to her "and hang out with the cool people." She laugh

"Why do you want to kill Tom?" She asks as she grabs my carry on suitcase, and we start walking.

"He keeps flipping calling me while I'm in the bus. And he knows that I'm on the bus so when he calls, someone always being nosy and wants to see who I'm talking to that there's always a "OMG ITs TOM HOLLAND!" So I'm going to kill him." We laugh in unison.

"I did get a lot of attention on the plane, for only being in a 30 second scene. I didn't really like it but I'll get used to it." I smile and grab my suit case of the luggage thing. After a few minutes of walking and getting a lot of attention, I finally spot Elizabeth's Black Prius.

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