I got into an accident years back but I have to go for yearly check up to make sure everything is fine.

I went back into the classroom to pack up my bag. I was about to walk out of the classroom when I nearly collide with someone. " Sor- " I looked up, realising it's Hendery.

He looked at me with mixed emotions. " Excuse me. " I said and he made space for me.

I walked over to the bus stop and I sat on the bench while waiting for the arrival of my bus. " Lee Yulbin, I've been c-calling your name but y-you didn't even r-react to me! " I looked to the side to see Hwiyoung panting.

I forced a smile, " I didn't hear. " He sighed as he took a seat next to me.

" Are you going alone tomorrow? " I shook my head.

" My dad and mom is going with me. That makes me feel worse. I'm just scared that they would blame themselves for it. " I sighed.

Hwiyoung took a little origami out of his pocket before passing it to me. " Here. " A smile crept up on my face.

It's a white glittery crane.

" It's a crane. I made it during class just now, I heard it represents happiness. " I looked over at him with a smile as I smacked him on the arm.

" Since when are you this nice? " He chuckled before looking over at me.

He shot me a sassy look, " When am I not? "

When our bus came, we got up and we took a seat at the back of the bus. " I'm surprised he's no- " Hendery came on the bus and Hwiyoung sighed.

" Just as I thought he wasn't going to be here. " He cursed under his breath and I nudged him.

Hendery sat down and the bus began moving.

I realised a ray of sunlight is shining down onto my skirt. I held the crane in my hand as I placed it under the light. " Look how pretty this is! " I squealed.

Hwiyoung smirked, " Of course it's pretty, I made it. " I rolled my eyes as I continued appreciating this origami.

When we got off at our stop, the both of us walked behind Hendery as usual. I got to my house and I bid him goodbye before walking in.

I walked up to my room and I gently placed the crane in a little display box that I have. I looked around my room, trying to find a place to put this box.

" Oh! " I walked over to the little shelving right beside the window.

The crane looks the most beautiful when there's sunlight shining on it so placing it next to the window is the best spot to exhibit it.

I placed my bag down before going downstairs to have my lunch. " Ahjumma, what's for lunch today? " I asked as I peered over her shoulder.

" Pasta! " A smile crept up on my face.

Ahjumma's pasta is my favourite food in the world. I love garlic and she puts lots of garlic into it, making it really fragrant and delicious.

She looked over at me, " Go ahead and wait at the dining table. I'll bring it over to you. " I nodded as I skipped my way over to the dining table.

Just then, the door made a beep sound which means someone is back. " Lee Donghyuck, come here for lunch! " I said.

" What's for- Oh! Pasta! " I nodded as he quickly rushed upstairs to place his bag before coming back down.

He eyed me, " So do you really like Hendery? "

I rolled my eyes, " I don't. " He scoffed while looking at me suspiciously.

" My ass. " He said.

I scoffed, " Do you even have ass? " He glared at me before pushing the chair out. He turned his body so that his butt would face me.

" Look! I have ass! " He said.

I placed my hand on my forehead as I looked around, " Where? " He sneered before sitting back down.

" Are you blind? " He scoffed.

After we're done with our lunch, I went upstairs to study for a bit before resting on my bed. I started to search up about pain in head and ringing in ears after accident.

My face turned pale when I read through all of the possible conditions.

The one that scares me the most states that, it's a deadly disease. I gasped as I placed my hand over my mouth.

I will die soon.

24th March 2021

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