Panic attack

712 8 8

Type: Angst/Fluff or Hurt/Comfort
Trigger warnings: hallucinations, panic attack, and I might have put the word g3ntly/g3ntal so please be careful (please tell me if there should be more warnings)
If you are sensitive to any of those things please don't read
(Shuichi's P0V)

We stepped out into the light, staring up at the sky. We were all covered in dust and scratches from the rocks but we made it. I'm starting to feel....dizzy....I looked to the side as my vision blurred to see himiko or maki but they were both on the ground...

Soon everything faded black...

★彡time skip★彡

They were actually dead....but, why did he look so...alive.. He wasn't pale like the others, he didn't smell or look like he was rotting. He looked like he was breathing. Team danganronpa were going on and on about something I didn't care for so I slipped past them and walked over to him and stared.

Is he dead? Probably but, he just looks like... I slowly tooke the headset off of him and pet his hair,it sounds creepy but I just missed him. I looked down at his face and his eyes were.. open?! I jumped back a little and started too tear up. Since we had been in the simulation so long it hurt to talk, but I knew he was happy too see me.

★彡Srry another time skip★彡

(No one's P0V)

Shuichi started shaking in his sleep, he was currently having a nightmare about the killing game and everyone it it. They all looked extremely distorted and looked at him in disappointment.

"You really call yourself a detective? So pathetic." One of them said looking pissed. They all started saying horrible things about Shuichi while he sat down covering his ears. "Stopstopstopstop please" he cried. They just got louder and louder and made worse comments like "You're stupid for thinking any of us liked you" but the worst one was 'y o u  
s h o u l d  h a v e  d i e d ,  n o t  K a e d e'

Shuichi shot awake, his vision was hazy. He couldn't tell if anything was real or fake. He turned to look at his boyfriend, Kaito Momota, and contemplated if he should wake him up or not. He covered his ears and tried not to scream. Kaito woke up due to the bed shaking a whole bunch and saw Shuichi having a full on panic attack.

"Hey Shu it's okay, it's okay" Kaito said as he slowly wraps his arm around Shuichi, he knew Shuichi loved physical contact he just doesn't like being hugged quickly when he isn't expecting it. Shuichi slowly meted into the hug still crying. "Hey, let's go downstairs to get you a cup of warm milk and cinnamon." He said it a calming voice.

Kaito got up and stretched a bit then leaned down to pick the blue haired boy up, Shuichi had a hard time walking without crunches, for some reason that Team Danganronpa didn't even know why. Shuichi wrapped his arms and legs around Kaito and held on tight still crying a little. Kaito had one of his hands on Shuichi's back to support him if he falls, and Shuichi's crutches in the other.

Kaito slowly wobbled down the stairs making sure not to drop Shuichi or the crutches. He sat his boyfriend on the counter and gave him a kiss on the forehead before going to get the milk and cinnamon. Shuichi tried to refocus his vision but his eyes landed on the clock.



Danganronpa 53.

Shuichi started to kick and scream "no get away from me!! PLEASE!!" He flung his arms in front of his face. He could see tsumugi, she was right there in front of him. Kaito quickly put the milk and cinnamon  and quickly walked over to Shuichi, he didn't want to scare him with any fast movement.

Shuichi could tell what anything was, all he thought he could see was tsumugi. "Shuichi,, don't worry. She's gone now, she can't hurt you." Kaito spoke softly. He slowly and carefully put his hand on Shuichi's shoulder which caused him too slightly flinch.

Shuichi put his hands on Kaito's hand and slightly squeezes it.  His breathing slowly becomes more and more steady and ''tsumugi'' slowly disappears. "C'mon Shu, let's get you back to bed. You had a long night." Kaito says as he lifts Shuichi up. Kaito carries the other up the stairs and lays him on the bed.

Kaito laid down next to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him. Shuichi buried his head into Kaito's chest.

(I'm so sorry for the time skips
。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。 also Kaito's POV bc we have been giving Shuichi too much love)

I woke up and groaned, I settled on making Shuichi breakfast, he had a long day and he deserved to have a break from doing everything. I let go of Shuichi carefully so I didn't wake him. I headed down stairs and got out a bunch of ingredients.

Right before I was done I saw Shuichi watching me with his legs shaking a bit. I walked over to him and scooped him up really fast. He let out a small yelp from being lifted so fast. We both giggled like little kids and then I gave him a kiss on his forehead.


They both smelt something burning and looked over at their breakfast, which had caught fire.  "Well guess we aren't having pancakes." Kaito says as he slowly puts Shuichi on the ground to go grab the fire extinguisher.

A/n: I'm sorry this is so bad- I promise I tried-
This story is for monaShinguji

Words:913 (not including author notes)
Am I proud of this?: definitely not
Did I proof read this?: no
Hotel: trivago

Saimota oneshots!!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ