Chapter 53

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The noise made by the rain made it hard for Clarke to recognize that voice, she had to turn around and face the person who stopped her.
"So? Nothing to say?" the girl eyed carefully the body in front of her. A man, as soaked as her because of the rain, brown hair covering his eyes. He smiled, not a sweet smile or a kind smile. It was more of a smirk, a hint of evilness painted on his face, and then something clicked in the back of Clarke's mind.

"Finn..." her voice was shaking and her lips were trembling, the guy was still holding her wrist "So you do remember me huh? It's been a long time, I wouldn't be mad if you didn't" he started walking dragging her with him "F-Finn" Finn. That name. His name was the only thing she was being able to say, like a broken record she repeated it multiple times trying to stop him, trying to go back home, trying to keep the memories of that last night together away. Hidden in the back of her mind where she kept them for all these years.

*at the same time outside Clarke's house*

private chat:

Tavia: is Clarke back yet?

Raven: no I don't think so, but she should be here by now...

Raven: Tavia what if something happened? What if it happens again?

Tavia: Raven stay calm, I'm sure she's just late

Raven: no... I don't think so Octavia, I have a feeling

Raven: a bad feeling

Tavia: and what are you going to do? You could get hurt too

Raven: Clarke's GPS is on, I can find her and then kick that motherfucker's ass if I have to

Tavia: Rae I'm sure she's fine, please go home

Raven: no.

Raven: let me just check on her, if she's actually on her way home I'm gonna go but if she's not then I have to find her okay?

Tavia: just please... Be careful

Tavia: keep me updated

TW: violence

"Finn leave me! Let me go..." "Oh cmon we're going to have fun, you used to have a lot of fun with me I remember that" they were now at Finn's apartment, he was holding her steady on the couch and he laughed "Our clothes are soaked... Take them off" Clarke was shaking and crying, but she wasn't trying to do anything, not any more. She felt 17 again, she felt weak and vulnerable like their last night together. Maybe if I just do what he says it'll be quicker. She thought, but deep down she knew this situation wasn't going to be like that.


A sudden knock on the door distracted both of them, Finn tried to ignore it but the noise just got louder and more annoying so he eventually got up from the couch and walked towards the door mumbling some kind of insult. Clarke sighed trying to calm herself down, she looked around searching a way to escape but it would make Finn angrier and he would just hurt her more.

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