Chapter 35

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Mariah's P.O.V.

Location; sand dunes state forest

I walk around with my bow in my hand and my tanto hanging down from my belt, beside me is Leo. It was now 2 weeks since he has been shot, and therefore a little over a month since Katie left, but I don't give a fuck about her or where she went anyways.

The past 2 weeks we have spent our time on finding the other camp, we first succeeded yesterday at finding it, making the whole plan taking longer than one month, there are a lot more in their camp than expected, so we need to split them up, in order to kill every single one of them.

We haven't decided how we do it yet, but we haven't seen any women or kids at that camp, so I am sure that it would be easy for our conscience, to kill them.

We also agreed on moving our camp, maybe get to another state even.

They already know where our camp is, so it surprised me not to get attacked by any of them, but Brandon said we should always carry our weapons around.

We are on our way back, so we can agree on a plan, but I am sure that Brandon and Levi already figured something out.



"I know that the thing with Katie upsets you, but you should see it from her perspective."

What the actual fuck

"I don't need to see shit form her perspective, she left and that's the only thing that matters."

"are you sure that is the only thing."

"a 100 percent sure"

"hmm okay"

"now let's go" I say, I don't want to hear more of Katie, she didn't bother to tell me that she leaves, so I won't bother thinking about her anymore.

We both walk, side by side.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" Leo suddenly says, I stare at him for a second before nodding giving him a small smile.

"Same goes for you, you know" I say, he nods and intertwines our hands together, I grin at him.

At least he's not leaving me. Full offence to Katie.

"You know, those from camp testosterone should just jump off a cliff" I say which makes him chuckle at me but nod in understanding.

"You know I give off testosterone too, want me to jump off too?" He teases, I smirk at him.

"No, who else would I annoy the fuck off?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. He playfully rolls his eyes at me and soon we're at the camp where we start a meeting.

"what's the plan?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"fire" Brandon answer shortly, looking back at the map.

"what? Are we supposed to run after them with a match?"

"what? No, sorry I was focused on something else" Brandon pauses. "we will burn the forest down; most likely it would attract some Z's and kill them for us too."

"but it will take a long time" Levi interrupts.

After I heard their whole explanation of the plan. I looked with them on the map, I am sure it would take 2 months more to just get all the supplies. It would surely not take as long, if we were lucky, but we all know that luck isn't a thing for us.

The preparation for the plan is like this:

Go out of the forest, and get a trailer, the trailer would be for us afterwards, so we can get away from here and to get all our supplies and everything else we have here in this camp.

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