Review by Olivier: What The Eyes Can See

87 3 22

Author: heyennbee

Title: What the eyes can see

Reviewer: OGSmithson

This is going to be my most useless review because I'm literally just going to ramble about myself; my apologies to the author.

I didn't know how to introduce this review, so let's treat this (whatever this is) as an introduction. Welcome to this review of What The Eyes Can See, where I'm just all over the place and I don't know what to write. Let's all be patient and this will be over soon (although, it seems this'll be a long review, so brace yourself)

Please try and enjoy as I ramble nonsensically through my keyboard.

Rating: 9.1/10

Again, I don't know what to say. I think I'm a bit flustered by how amazing this book is, and I think all I can honestly say is that this book is almost perfect. We'll be breaking all this down for you and... let's analyse y'all! (weirdly, there is nothing to break down as I haven't said anything worthwhile)

Fun fact about your reviewer:

-I don't know how to compliment people, that's why this review is the shambles you're reading. (In all fairness, I don't know how to accept a compliment as well, so it's not a matter of me jealousing people that renders me stupid when I have to compliment people; it's just my poor social skills)

In any case, I have a job, and I'm committed to seeing to it that it is completed, albeit messy. With that in mind, today we deal with the regular: characters, then we do some good old plot, we move on to style and conclude everything with a nice list of miscellaneous topics.

Let's get it, then!


I thought the characters were flawless and were executed with the greatest precision and careful attention to detail. However, I want to look at two characters, and I'll tell you why in a few. But today, I want to look at Isla- our protagonist, and Det. Blake- the main antagonist.

I'm analysing two characters not because all the others are badly executed or are just filler or any negative reason you may think of; rather, they usually don't stay in the story long enough for me to discuss them. Could the story do without them? Absolutely not. Are they important to me? Most definitely. But I think analysing everyone else would actually be me deviating from what the story is actually about so I won't talk about them.

Someone that's read the story might feel that Renata is the main antagonist- don't worry, I'll explain who she is when we get to the plot section. However, I don't think: 1) she's as important as Det. Blake in propelling the author's agenda; and 2) I think Det. Blake is simply a more interesting antagonist, and we'll be discussing this when we analyse her individually. Of course, all this is how I processed everything in my mind, and if you can prove that Renata is the main antagonist, good for you. This is not the be all, end all; rather, it's how I personally received the work, and hence is an expression of my opinion.

With all that established, we finally get into character analysis:

-Anaila "Isla" Marie Demauri: this is my favourite kind of protagonist- the toxic character that's aware of their toxicity. Isla is a broken young woman with the power to see into someone's future by looking into their eyes. She prefers not to use this power and therefore wears sunglasses and a permanent scowl whenever she's in public to make sure no one ever even thinks to strike up a conversation with her. She's got a great job as project manager and lives in a posh neighbourhood, and the closest thing she has to a friend is Ryan Cuevas- her partially-blind f**kbuddy neighbour guy.

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