We stayed completely still and waited for them to pass. "Man that was close" I breathed and carried on. "Okay guys this is it, you're right on top of the main room". We both nodded at Sunwoos instruction and waited for the right opportunity. "God it gets so warm in this vent". "Could you be quiet" I whispered. "Why they can't hear me" "They are right fucking below us..they probably can" I snapped. "Could you stop bossing me around? I'm older than you you know". I turned around so I was facing him. "Sorry that you act like such a child!". He looked at me offended. "How the fuck am I acting like a child?!". He pushed me and I kicked him back. Without us knowing the vent couldn't hold out the weight for much longer, we both shoved each other and the vent broke and we both toppled out right onto the floor. 

Stood right in front of us was two men who I assume were tasked with keeping watch whilst the others did the job. "Shit!" They shouted and pointed their guns at us and started shooting. Luckily I had already grabbed my baton and managed to hit some of the bullets away from us as we ran. They chased us even when they ran out of bullets. Out of nowhere, Namjoon grabbed me and we hid in a small space. We put our hands over our mouths to quieten our breathing. "Fuck sake we lost them where did those little shits even come from?!". We let out a heavy breath as we heard them walking away arguing with each other. "Nice going genius". I lightly hit his chest. "Hey! If you didn't call me a child we wouldn't be in this mess right now besides you would probably be fucked by now if I didn't grab-" He stopped when he saw my attention elsewhere.

 He looked in the same direction I was and knew what I was looking at. One of them had dropped a card, we looked at each other. "You watch and I'll grab it" I stated and he nodded. I got down low and crawled across the floor as fast as I could and grabbed the card. I quickly ran back to the spot and looked at the card. "It's some sort of member card? Look that's the red fox symbol". We studied it for a moment. "We need to get out of here...Hoon you there?" RM spoke through the earpiece. "ARE YOU GUYS ALIVE" We heard Chanhee shout in the background and we both rolled our eyes and laughed at the same time. "Track our location and get us the fuck out of here" "Yes sir!". They went quiet for a moment then we heard them speak. "There's a window right by you, you'll need to smash it which will make some noise but we'll be ready to get you, so wait for me to tell you to go". We nodded and waited for a few moments. "GO!". We both ran at his signal and broke the window with our bats, we stepped out quickly at the sound of voices. "What the fuck was that?!". Namjoon grabbed my arm and we ran as fast we could, the boys swung open the van door and we jumped in as they sped off. 

Both myself and RM sat on the floor panting hard as they drove away. "Well done guys...even though it didn't go all to plan you still got something right?". I nodded still out of breath and pulled the card from my pocket. "Also we heard all the arguing you guys did....man you fight like siblings". Me and RM looked at each other and laughed. "Thank you" I said and he looked confused. "For what?". "You basically saved my life back there". "Look at when you hit bullets out the way with your bat..that was so cool!". We all laughed and made it safely back to my house. We were careful to park the van a few houses away to not build suspicion and went into my house. 

We crept quietly up to my room to not wake my aunt and I changed out of the suit and noticed a red patch on one of the sleeves. I looked and saw that I was bleeding. "Shit what the hell!" "Are you okay Ri?" Namjoon asked from outside the bathroom. I quickly changed into some comfy clothes and came out of the bathroom. "Holy shit you're bleeding!". He said as the boys shot up and rushed over to me. Chanhee took my arm and studied it for a moment. "Did a bullet graze you or something?" "I don't know, I don't remember being hit...I didn't even feel anything until I noticed it". "Either that or a piece of glass grazed you when you smashed the window either way it needs to be treated so it doesn't get infected.". I nodded. "Since my aunt's a nurse, the bathroom is full of medical stuff, there should be some like antiseptic disinfectant and some bandages in there". They nodded and Namjoon left the room and came back with some medical supplies. . "This will sting Ri". Sunwoo stated and I grinded my teeth slightly as they poured antiseptic onto my arm. "Shit" I whispered and breathed out. Now it was really starting to hurt. 

They let it sit for a moment then gently wrapped a bandage around it. "Keep an eye on it and try not to use it too much, you could get your aunt to look at it tomorrow maybe? Just say you stumbled and knocked into some glass and it broke or something". I nodded and took some pain medication to distract myself from the pain. "I suggest you rest for a few days Ri". "I can't I have work tomorrow" Chanhee sighed and had a worried look on his face. "Just take it easy okay?". I nodded. "Thanks guys for the help today but now I just want to sleep". I could feel myself getting drowsy. "Ri...I'm sorry I messed up the plan". Namjoon sulked slightly. I shook my head and laughed a bit. "To be honest, we were basically going to jump down and attack anyway right? We just didn't do it gracefully.". We both laughed and he nodded. "Stay here for tonight guys since it's so late, There's plenty of space on the sofas and there's a guest room down the hall.". I handed them spare pillows and blankets and they left the room. My bed was practically calling for me at this point as I flopped down onto it. I would feel shooting pains in my arm every now and again which made it very uncomfortable for a while.

I just hope Taehyung doesn't get suspicious. 

The Red Fox - KTH&JJKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora