Chapter 5: Game On

Start from the beginning

You had just finished changing into your normal clothes after your shift (you swear, jeans will only feel comfortable after serving in a skirt for 4-5 hours) and you were so ready to go home. You had to figure out what you were going to eat for dinner though - you didn't have time to cook something ahead of time and you weren't really feeling any fast food or food at Tequila Mockingbird for that matter. You pondered the thought (more like zoned out) and didn't realize when Jimin came waltzing into the backroom.

"You good princess?" His voice snapped you out of your trance and when you looked over at him, he was taking off his apron and started balancing out his receipts.

"I'm fine. Did you just call me princess?" He shrugged his shoulders but didn't take his eyes off of the receipts in his hand. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag with the intent of leaving. Your brain was too dead to deal with his passive aggressive nicknames.

"Wait," he called out before you could leave. Oh, the lord was testing you today, that's for sure. You closed your eyes in an attempt to calm yourself down before turning around and pasting a smile on your face. How much fake smiling can one do in a day before their face freezes like this.

"Yes?" You were tired, hungry, and frustrated and you swore if Jimin was going to waste your time by making you stand around for a douchey comment, you would go grab a cup of Coke just to dump all over him.

"You owe me a meal." He smiled, but not his usual cocky smile. This smile kind of disarmed you because it seemed nice? How odd for someone like Jimin you had to say.

"Uh, yeah. I guess I do." You didn't really know how to respond to him other than that. Like, what point was he trying to make? "Were you wanting $20 so you can go somewhere and get something?"

"No, I had something else in mind instead." His grin widened and you weren't really sure what you were about to get yourself into.


You didn't know how you ended in a booth right across from Jimin at a diner but you can say with complete certainty that this is not how you were planning the rest of your Friday night to go. You honestly don't even really know how you ended up in this situation right now but alas, here you were and here Jimin was and you had to say...

...This was one of the most awkward dinners you've ever had.

You weren't expecting much to begin with but you had nothing to say that wasn't a snarky remark about how he was a person. You used your fork and pushed the food on your plate a bit while trying to figure out just what the heck you could say to break some of the tension.

You glanced at Jimin and he seemed perfectly content right now, which was a bit sus. You tried to read him a bit to figure out what the heck his motives were and the only thing you could think was that he just really enjoyed making you uncomfortable.

You sipped your glass of water and decided you couldn't take this awkward silence any longer and decided to break the ice a bit.

"So," Okay, good start. Now follow it up with something else. "How was your shift?" Hm, not bad for someone who was almost suffocating in tension.

Jimin glanced up at you and seemed almost surprised that you had actually spoken (yeah, you too dude). He swallowed the food he was chewing and cleared his throat.

"Better than yours apparently." Ah, so there are his true intentions. He doesn't want to only make your job a living hell, he's also determined to ruin the rest of your life. You put on your best bitch face and looked back down at your food. Your tongue was poking at your cheek and anyone who looked at you would be able to see that you were not happy. Could you please go back 5 minutes and go back to the awkward silence?

Jimin seemed to notice the drastic change in your mood because he was immediately apologizing which again, surprised you. What the heck is this dude's problem?

"I'm sorry Y/n, that comment honestly just slipped out. I didn't mean it." You felt like you were stuck in the twilight zone. First he's trying to rile you up all shift unapologetically, and now he's apologizing for the exact thing he was doing not two hours ago. This guy was going to give you a migraine.

You spent the rest of the dinner overanalyzing everything Jimin did to try to figure out what his true intentions are, because you were at a complete loss. You didn't understand why his personality shifted so drastically from working a shift to being one-on-one with you.

Maybe the restaurant industry has already made him lose his mind? Poor soul, but it happens to everyone eventually.

The server brought over the bill and before you could even pull out cash to cover it, Jimin had already slammed his card down. You gave him a look and he sheepishly smiled at you and said, 'you can get next time.'

You were completely lost in that moment but all you knew was that Park Jimin was likely to be the final thing that drove you completely insane.

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